Release date ?? september 2023
Issue | Solution | Devices | Status |
Some reports never finish. | A while ago the maximum allowed run time for a report was set to 10 minutes, which was clearly too low. We have increased it a lot. | Web | |
Project (tasks) did not save the sort combobox between session when editing it. | Bug was fixed. | ||
When saving planning, without correct taskname there will be a hard-error. | Minor bug was fixed. | ||
Tabulator Filter container wrongly placed. | Set in the correct place. | ||
Planning+: Brakes down when deactivating appointment windows setting . | This issue has been fixed. | ||
Task- When adding product use - avance will not be calculated if costprice changed | Now when costprice are changed the avance field are recalculated. | ||
Planning+: key is missing when planning are locked | Key added next to other icons | ||
Customfield not shown in CRM module | Direction of Customfield changed | ||
Quotation PDF shows wrong rounded amount | Quotation PDF now shows amount rounded with 2 decimals | ||
Missing support contact icon: In some situations it did not show the icon. | We changede where we fetched the contractid from | ||
A new Microbizz have been created | We added it several places | ||
Products without supplier id could not be shown og deleted | Now Products can be deleted, edited and shown even though they have a supplierid greather than 1 | ||
If a Report crashed, user was not notified | User are now notified, and report finishes | ||
Microreport crash on startpage | This issue has been fixed. | ||
A Filestructure dialog could not be opened | Minor bug fixed. | ||
A microreport on startpage crashed | This issue has been fixed | ||
Some EDIs have empty HTML file attachments | Microbizz sometimes thought that an EDI had a file attachment when it didn’t; that caused empty HTML files to appear amongst the EDI files. This has been fixed. | Web | |
Issue where formanswers titles teksts would not be skipped | skips are now generally working. | Web | |
Rounding hour registrations to nearest 60 minutes doesn’t work | This issue has been fixed. | ||
Weird characters in task descriptions when using the HTML description field | We’ve fixed a bug that caused certain characters to appear as “HTML encoded”, eg. “&” would appear as “&”. | Web | |
Copy project didn’t copy files and product use | This issue has been fixed. | Web | |
Can’t save unchanged registration when “custom registrations” are re enabledenab | This happen whenled “cuThis happened when custom registrations are enabled and you edit a worksheet that includes registrations on a closed+accepted task. | Web | |
error where too many linebreaks took place in pdf with html | Line breaks from html is the primary linebreaks not the ekstra given in the html code. | Web | |
errror where too few linebreaks took place in pdf without html | Linebreaks are not entertwined. | Web | |
error where a image search did not look into subcustomers. | Now that works. | Web | |
Error where in rare cases plans are misplaced in the week view. | Now that should work. | Web | |
Fields which would be needed when sync is setup like Invoice layout, Payment conditions, could be set as nothing without an error response. | These are now required fields . | Web | |
Changes are lost after editing products | This could happen when using the new Economic integration; the problem has been fixed. | Web | |
CSV integration is active even though is it marked as offline | This issue has been fixed. | Web | |
When responding to a mail, sometimes the amount of lines were doubled. | This is no longer an issue. | Web | |
Sometimes when configuring using the dialog. The smaller parts werent responsive at it should | It is not responsive now. | Web | |
The imagelocation forms were not working as they should. | It is now working as it should. | Web | |
“Send notification” button for registrations should be reinstated | We were to quick to remove the button the current release, it has been reinstated. | Web | |
The toPDF feature in imagelocation didn’t work | It’s now working. | Web | |
Scroll in imagelocation didnt function as intended. | Scroll is not working as before. | Web | |
Fields were required for economic that needed to be required so users would sometimes leave important fields empty. | This is now handled. | Web | |
The question form statistics report doesn’t show correct statistics for the form parameters | This issue has been fixed, the form parameters are now summed. | Web | |
Production planning sometimes shows wrong colours when showing colours from work plan | This issue has been fixed. | Web | |
The save as pdf on a closed task could not open unless the form tab was open. | This is now solved with the missing script being loaded by force, for now. | ||
When editing the filestructure, the single element could not be opened | Now every filestructure element can be opened | ||
API-call getTodosByLastChange get stripped list of todo ids in response | Now the ids of the todos are returned | ||
Image location search of tasks in projects would show the project name in the table instead of the task name. | This is fixed. | Web | |
Naming conventions for nps and csat is corrected | The naming conventions are now corrected to Customer Satisfaction | ||
issue where display in a dropdown menu of ‘'' “’ “' /z- :2" would give errors | errors are now gone and people can safely put ‘'' “’ “' /z- :2" in the dropdown menu’s options. | Web | |
error with display of required fields when they shoudlnt be in the config menu setting with two factor auth. | fields are now only displayed when needed. | ||
a Startpage could lose some of it’s setup if you made it private it private from public. | this is fixed. | Web |
Release date ?? august 2023
Issue | Solution | Devices | Status |
Linebreak were removed when updating task description via API | This happened when MB used HTML descriptions for task, but the API call specified non-HTML description. It has been fixed. | App | |
ÆØÅ and other non-english letters are stripped when updating a filename via the API and in other situations. | ÆØÅ and other letters are now allowed. | App | |
When deleting a custom field not all reference to the custom field are removed. | The bug has been fixed. | Web | |
When on a page in the new design the tooltip would be visible as a small circle in the top corner, but without any text. | This tooltip is now gone. | Web | |
When writing a mail and pausing a draft is saved for later use. However this draft’s button had null instead of a time. | The time is now updated as intended. | Web | |
The quicksearch field of the user search was missing | It is no longer missing. | Web | |
An error where reminders on sms were missing information | The sms reminders are now like other reminders. | Web |
Release date ?? july 2023
Issue | Solution | Devices | Status |
The API call DoCheckOut didn’t save customregistrations | The issue has been fixed | App | |
Custom fields of type “Icon with link” aren’t updated correctly when set from a question form | We have changed it so that the icon now becomes visible when the link URL is set from a question form action | Web | |
.JPEG files are not treated like .JPG files | The .JPEG filetype is now translated to .JPG when a file in uploaded to Microbizz | Web | |
Always english language in dates when generating PDFs by filling in a form via the API | The user’s choice of language wasn’t applied to month names when using the API; this has been fixed. | App | |
Book and send multiple invoices should report an error if any of the invoices cannot be sent | You now get an error message if any of the invoice cannot be sent, eg. because they are missing an email address or for some other reason; no invoices will be sent if any of the invoices fail | Web | |
Import filters should fail if all required fields are not imported | Import filters now give a warning when you use them if all the required fields are not imported. | Web | |
Checkout form is always required | The checkout form is now only required if it is marked as required | Web | |
It is possible to post invoices that do not have an email adress | You will now get a warning if invoices are missing an email address or if there is some other reason why one of the invoices cannot be posted | Web |
Release date: ?? june. 2023
Issue | Solution | Devices | Status |
When a product is barred in Economic the new integration just ignored it. | Now the product is removed from Microbizz, which mimics how the old integration behaved. | ||
Sometimes a semaphore error occurred when trying to retrieve reports. | This issue have been fixed. | ||
User defined reports sent by emails was empty | This is now resolved. | ||
The new Economic integration sometimes showed an error message like “3 errors occurred”. | We now also show the individual errors. | ||
When booking an EDI using the new Economic integration, the correct VAT account wasn’t applied automatically. | We now apply the VAT account automatically. | Web | |
The behaviour of automatically adding new customer numbers to customers using the new Economic integration wasn’t consistent with the old integration. | We have now corrected the new integration, so it behaves like the old integration. | Web | |
The mobile phone field for a user doesn’t allow - (minus) | The field now allows - (minus); we’ve chosen not to allow just anything to be entered, as the field is often used for sending SMSs | Web | |
When downloading a servicerapport of a Tool, then fontsize of text in PDF are too big. The text are created when answering a QuestionForms static field. | Removed old attempt to anticipate fontsize by multiplying the fontsize with 2. Now the fontsize will be set to the size of the question form static text field. | ||
Sometimes when syncing an EDI to Economic using the new 2023 integration, the integration would fail. | The synchronization don’t fail anymore. If an EDI isn’t transferred, check that the associated creditor have a valid creditor number | Web | |
IGA reports do not include project costs | The 4 IGA reports have been updated to include project cost. | Web | |
API CreateUpdateTodo doesn’t set GDPR expiration date | This has been fixed, also for CreateUpdateTodoByTodoNumber | App | |
The “Send reminder” function didnt work | We chose to remove this function as it was only functional with app2 which is no longer supported | App | |
Invoicing solutiontext isn’t saved when you choose to not invoice a task | This has been fixed. | Web | |
You cannot set the project for a task, when using the API | We’ve added an API call AddTodoToProject | App | |
Sometimes the changes to a company are not saved and we don’t then an error | The problem occurred with hidden custom field of type “User”; this has been fixed | Web | |
You can end up with double customregistrations if an hour registration is split due to lunch break | When a hour reg. is split due to lunch break, the custom registrations for the last part is cleared | Web | |
The new route planning doesn’t handle planning across daylight saving time | This has been fixed, so that planning end at the correct time, even if they are on the other side of a switch to/from daylight saving time | Web | |
You cannot change the task # via an update filter | It is now possible, but only if the “Edit task number” setting is on. | Web | |
The API returns too few tasks when policy=free | This happened when the new optimized search functionality was enabled; this has been fixed. | App | |
The equipment filter on the ON LOCATION page is slow | We’ve made some changes to speed up the filtering of equipment | Web | |
The API call UpdateRegistration doesn’t allow an internal post to changed. | It is now possible to change which internal post that a registration refers to | App | |
Task responsible doesn’t get a notification when a note is posted on the extranet | This was a very old bug, that has now been fixxed | Web | |
Economic receives empty delivery address | The postcode, city and country would sometimes be empty when sending an invoice to Economic; this has been fixed | Web | |
Crash when deleting a company | Microbizz crashed when deleting a company if the Hours module wasnt installed; this has been fixed | Web | |
Project templates appear in task filters! | The task filters have been adjusted so that they no longer should project templates | Web | |
Economic integration crashes when asking for the next unused customer number | This issue has been fixed | Web | |
The new optimized task search could sometimes cause the API call GetTodosByLastChange to crash | The issue has been fixed | App | |
“Select all” in tables sometimes selects more than what is visible | This issue has been fixed | Web | |
Task competences sometimes ignores the competences inherited from CRM/equipment | We’ve gone through all of Microbizz and fixed the issuein about 10 places. | Web | |
The “Send reminder” button in the Hours module is no longer needed | The “Send reminder” button has been removed; it was only needed for the old app. | Web | |
You cannot select a column for “internal MB ID” when using an import filter on projects | The field “ID” has been enabled for the import filters. | Web | |
Microbizz should send the orginasation no. to Fortnox, instead of the VAT no | The Fortnox integration has been updated to act this way. | Web | |
There are a few bugs in the new Economic integration | We’ve fixed a bunch of issues, these are minor things that don’t need detailing here | Web | |
The list of users in ON LOCATION is not sorted | The list is now sorted | Web | |
Password requirements are not respected! | We’ve fixed a problem where the requirement for passwords in a specific format was not respected. | Web | |
Userdefined reports cannot be sorted by column | It is now possible to sort a userdefined report by clicking on a column header; only if the report isn’t grouped by row or column | Web | |
Quickplan doesn’t work | The new quickplan is intended to be used with the new Planning+ module; we have reverted back to the old quickplan for those who do not have the new module | Web | |
The new CC registration mail cannot be sent to an address from a custom field | The bug has been fixed | Web | |
Problems with renaming products via individual prices | The individual names for a product would sometimes be ignored when individual prices were taken for the parent-company | Web | |
Combi reports no longer works | The recent improvements to the Report unfortunately cause combi reports to failed; this has been fixed. | Web | |
Empty end time for hour registrations close to midnight | Due to rounding the end time of an hour registration could appear as empty if it ends at eg. 00:00:20; now it is shown as “23:59”; this may possibly result in the minutes calculations being 1 minute off, but this happens rarely | Web | |
Plus sign should be allowed on the left side of the @ in an email address | The issue has been fixed | Web | |
It is possible to set the task ID via a question form action! | This shoukld not be possible, it has been fixed for 5 actions that allowed this kind of behaviour. | Web | |
When merging two companies the projects are not moved to the new company | This issue has been fixed | Web | |
Release date: ?? apr. 2023
Issue | Solution | Devices | Status |
In some cases the new Economic (2023) integration didn’t send data to Economic. This could be invoices that never “turned green” or products which wasn’t updated in Economic, when using product units. | We have adjusted the integration so these problems no longer occurs. | Integration to Economic | |
API call GetTodoStates sometimes returns data that the app can’t handle, so too few task statuses are available in the app | The problem has been fixed. | App3 | |
If your solution had previously been configured for EDI and EDI was then removed, all individual profit settings became invisible on the CRM panel, but was still being used in calculations. | The profits are now always visible if the functionality is turned on, no matter if EDI is configured or not. | Web | |
A work pool responsible didn’t get access to the tasks contained in the work pool, unless that user also were a member of one of the team assigned to the work pool (or had access to the task in some other way) | A work pool responsible can now access all tasks in the work pool | Web | |
Fixed an error where an employee with a cost price of 0, was assigned another costprice under very specific circumstances. | The problem has been fixed. | Web | |
We have improved the speed of accessing planning on planning using the API. | The speed is improved by around 50 % | Web | |
When upgrading from an integration based on invoice lines to an integration based on complete invoices, all old invoice lines becomes hidden, as they aren’t attached to an invoice. | We have added a data job, which can generate a “dummy” invoice containing all historical lines, so these will become visible again. | Web | |
When saving two tasks at exactly the same time, these tasks could become entangled. | The problem has been fixed | Web | |
It is always possible to “Save for later” when doing service on an equipment, even if the question form doesn’t allow it | This problem has also been fixed. | Web | |
Import filter using SFTP sometimes fails to delete files with filenames containing ÆØÅ | We’ve made at workaround that seems to work, so now the files are deleted | Web | |
The project module doesn’t allow the map to be collapsed | The project now allows the map to be collapsed, just like in the task module | Web | |
The API call GetTodosByLastChange returns incorrect number of entries left | The API call now returns the correct number of entries left | App | |
The PDF from the image search doesn’t include the address | The address has been added to the PDF | Web | |
Custom registration fields are not visible in CRM or userdefined reports | The fields may now be selected in user defines reports, and they may be shown in the Hours tab in CRM | Web | |
Slow daily work sheet | The daily work sheet can be very slow when there are many appointments; we have improved the speed | Web | |
File is not saved if you press Enter in the dialog with extended image information | Pressing Enter should do the same as clicking on the “Save” button, but that was not the case. It has been fixed. | Web | |
The task column “Latest status” has a misleading name | The column has been renamed to “Latest open status” | Web | |
Non-english characters are sometimes shown incorrectly when selecting a product for an invoiceline | The non-english characters are now handled correctly | Web | |
Publishing a new GDPR consent crashes! | The was due to a bug from when we upgraded the servers; it has been fixed | Web | |
Task search with filter shows too many filters | The list of filters included “local filters”, this has been fixed so local filters are not included. | Web | |
The little used “request file confirmation” feature should be hidden away | There is now a functionality that control if the feature is available | Web | |
Sometimes we cannot access a project gantt template | Project templates access was affected by policy, it should only depend on the permissions for the template; it has been fixed. | Web | |
It may go wrong when multiple form actions create tasks that should be affect to the previous object | This issue has been fixed. | Web | |
Economic sync may fail due to missing taxzone | We’ve made changes to ensure that CRM objects have a taxzone. | Web | |
There isn’t a way to complete delete projects | There is now a DATA ADJUST job for deleting projects | Web | |
Project types cannot be translated! | This issue has been fixed. | Web | |
Question answers from app3 were lots between 2023-05-03 and 2023-05-09 | We’ve made a special job that cna be run to redo all the API calls that failed | Web | |
Fortnox integration fails with an internal error | This is a leftover from when we upgraded the servers several months ago; it has been fixed | Web | |
Layout doesn’t quite handle the “only editable when creating” setting for a field | This bug has been fixed, it caused a few other bugs that were also fixed | Web |
Release date: ?? apr. 2023
Issue | Solution | Devices | Status |
Nothing in activity when assigning a tool to a task | When assigning a tool to a task it is now logged in the task’s activity log | Web | |
Form statistics ignores the filter | We’ve fixed the bug so that the form statistics now respect the filter | Web | |
Using a form action to set the URL for an icon+URL custom field doesn’t work | Now you can set the URL for an icon+URL custom field from an action | Web | |
Creating a task from template is slow if there are MANY users in the system | We’ve made some changes to speed up the template page | Web | |
The API call GetTodosByLastChange should be faster | The speed of the API call is very much dependent on how long it takes to check if the user has access to a task; we now use a faster way of checking this | App | |
The API call GetColumnsGroups doesn’t return lines for products | The bug has been fixed, the API call now returns lines and titles for products | App | |
When saving a PDF with QR codes + pictures for a list equipments, the pictures are not included | The bug has been fixed, the pictures are now included | Web | |
The MB internal ID of tasks is always shown on the extranet, in the list of tasks | The internal ID is now only shown if the extranet page is configured to show it | Web | |
You cannot delete a quotation template | This was due to a problem with translations that caused a fatal error; it has been fixed. | Web | |
The onlocation page map doesn’t show the marker backgrounds | This was due to writing-permissions for the folder where the marker icons were saved; we’ve fixed it by saving the marker icons elsewhere | Web | |
Extranet pages do not appear in new language after change of language | The bug was caused by changed to the language handling when we switch to the new Platform. It has been fixed. | Web | |
The partner translation feature shows the incorrect language | There was confusion about the 2 letter codes for the country Sweden and the language swedish; it has been fixed. | Web | |
You cannot specify a location for a new file, when using the extend image functionality | The location dialog appeared behind the file dialog and so could not be used; this has been fixed. | Web | |
Cannot set GDPR exp. date using update filter | This was a problem for tasks and projects; it has been fixed. | Web | |
You cannot add pictures to a product in the product catalogue | This problem appeared when we optimized the product catalogue a while ago. It has been fixed now. | Web | |
Saving a PDF doesn’t work! | The problem was that the PDF generator tried to store temporary files in a place it wasn’t allowed to access | Web | |
The text “Secondary text” (in the API) is misleading | We’ve renamed it to “Search text”. | Web | |
The “Replace user” option in report mails doesn’t work when the report should contain data for all users | We’ve changed the report mail so that the “replace user” options works all the time; | Web | |
Projects are not anonymized when GDPR expiration date is reached | The bug has been fixed | Web | |
It is not possible to create a quotation template without a responsible | The bug has been fixed | Web |
Release date: ?? mar. 2023
Issue | Solution | Devices | Status |
As a system parameter it is possible to override default system behaviour and enable repeating tasks on projects. | Add the system parameter allow_repeat_tasks_on_project and set it to 1 to allow repeated tasks on projects. | Web | |
It is no longer possible to assign anything, but an adhoc task to a project. | The interface will now prevent this, instead of the system automatically correcting it at a later point. | Web | |
When using the graphical editor to task descriptions combined with a custom layout, sometimes the editor would disappear. | The editor no longer disappears. | Web | |
The API call GetAllAnswersByLastChange omitted some fields in the answers returned. | All fields from the documentation is now returned in the API-call. This includes the following fields: lockuserid, lockusertext, modcode, objectid | API | |
When sick time is added to a user, the time is always added at 8:00 | Now the time is added at the start of the static workday, if the user has a static workday. | Web | |
There are problems with linebreaks when using form action to add text to task descriptions | We’ve fixed the problem for the various combinations of text/HTML fields. | Web | |
The activity log shows too much info when editing tasks. | There are now better check for which fields have changed and thus should be logged in activities. | Web | |
Export all data doesn’t work | It stopped working when the servers were upgrade 5 months ago, the problem was how to access the DB, it has been fixed | Web | |
User fields are left with a when resetting a search form | We’ve made changes so that the user fields are cleared properly when clearing a form | Web | |
You cannot edit a registration that crossed midnight | It is now possible to edit registrations that cross midnight | Web | |
The reports on the startpages do not use the new “background” calculation feature. | The reports on the startpage now use the new “background” calculation feature. | Web | |
More fields should be allowed in the API call CreateUpdateEDI | The fields note,externalid,taxamount and sellersorderid may now be updated via the API. | Web | |
When implementing a template with project+subtask and skipping the project, the subtask is left with a dangling project reference | The subtask project field is no longer filled in if the project isnøt created. | Web | |
Bookkeeping crashes due to memory usage | We no longer read ALL tools when bookkeeping handles warnings. | Web | |
Cannot save a default file structure for equipment types | The bug has been fixed | Web |
Release date: ?? mar. 2023
Issue | Solution | Devices | Status |
When testing an Economic-integration it always reported that the integration was faulty. | This was because Economic retired an API-call. The check works again. | Web | |
When changing the type of a customfield from several-of-many to one-of-many, one could experience an error message, if there was already data in some of the fields. | An error is no longer encountered. | Web | |
The customregistration button could be placed incorrectly in the HOURS tab in task+project modules | We’ve made minor changes to the layout of the HOURS tab. | Web | |
The notifications window could be slow if f.ex. the notifications referred to notes containing large images | We’ve optimized the handling of notifications referring to notes. | Web | |
Quotation templates do not quite handle companies | If a quotation is created from a company, the company info no longer disappears when selecting a template. | Web | |
Some DB tables could benefit from indexes on changedate | We’ve added indexes on changedate+changetime for some tables | Web | |
Expression customfields do not work for some types of objects | The expressions now work for products, quotations, persons, invoices, invoicelines, planning | Web | |
The additional PDF for a quotation is not always included in the quotation PDF | The problem has been fixed | Web | |
The ONLOCATION > TODAY gantt doesn’t show if a planning has been visited. | We’ve fixed a typo that meant that all checkins were ignored. | Web | |
When approving hours for a selected user and not using the “only with warnings” option, too few users are included. | The problem has been fixed so that the system shows the same users regardless of the “only with warnings” option. | Web | |
When search for registrations in for tasks or projects it is possible to specify an end date before the start date. | End date can no longer be before start date. | Web | |
When editing a form answer that includes a picture, and you change the answer to the the picture is skipped, the picture is still displayed | MB can now hide the skipped picture | Web | |
When using mail import (CRM) the mails are marked as “read” on the mail server. | We’ve made changes to the Imap library to try to prevent mails from being marked as read. | Web | |
The “Users” window in project gantt is sometimes very slow | MB did a lot of calculations once for each user in the window, we’ve changed it so that this is only done once globally | Web | |
The CREATE PROJECT and UPDATE PROJECT form actions do not copy files to the project | The actions are supposed to copy the files to the “shadow task”, but they copied to the project; that has been fixed. | Web | |
The reminder action for when a customer is edited doesn't get executed | We’ve fixed a bug | Web | |
The PERMISSIONS tab for a user looks weird | We’ve made minor changed to the layout of the permissions table | Web | |
The support dep. occasionally gets email about a job that was killed | MB no longer sends those mails | Web | |
When a user-customfield is hidden+shown because of change of e.g workarea, the field ends up shown a icon | The issue has been resolved | Web | |
If you specify decimal quantities like 2.5 when accepting a quotation the result will be 25. | This was due to the use of a integer field instead of floating point field. | Web | |
The API call GetincompleteAnswers returns images for questions that have been skipped | The API call no longer returns images for questions that have been skipped | Api | |
When a project uses a custom address and you create a subtask then subtask address field isn’t filled in | Now the subtask address field is filled in | Web | |
Static reports are not always shown immediately when after they have been calculated. | This problem has been fixed, it happened mostly for slow reports. | Web | |
The image search gives an error when no images are found. | This was due to an uninitialized variable; it has been fixed. | Web | |
The reminder action for editing customer doesn’t work if the ‘which field should change’ option is selected. | The problem was that the action was run after the customer had been changed+saved, so the change could not be detected; the action is now run just before the customer is saved. | Web | |
When changing the object filtering on the ON-LOCATION page it is not clear when the map is updated with the filtered objects. | We’ve cleaned up the code for filtering/updating the ON-LOCATION map. | Web | |
When sending a mail contain a form answer with document field, the document is not accessible | The link to the document was incorrect, it has been fixed | Web | |
When editing a project+subtask with customfields the ucstomfields would sometimes be hidden. | Subtask customfields that depend on the workarea were not initialized properly. | Web | |
It would be nice if a ticket could be assigned to a contract. | A ticket can now be assigned to a contract, assuming the Partner module is installed. | Web |
Release date:
Issue | Solution | Devices | Status |
When clicking invoices from the todo module, users could access invoices they didn’t have the right to see. | The users are now informed, that they cannot see the invoice, when they try to click on it. They can still see it in the list. | Web | ✓ |
When creating a credit invoice and pressing “add fees” the fees was calculated incorrectly | The fees are now calculated correctly. We have also introduced a message saying that we don’t auto-calculate fees on credit invoices (as they are taken from the invoice). | Web | ✓ |
In special cases, fee lines could be added a an already posted invoice. | This is fixed. | Web | ✓ |
Invoice layout wasn’t imported using an import filter, even though the name was typed properly. | This is fixed so it now imports correctly. | Web | ✓ |
After the update fee lines was always placed at the bottom of the invoice with no option for moving them around. | The fee lines can now be moved exactly as other lines. | Web | ✓ |
The invoice PDFs generated by Aspect4+Proforma integrations do not handle linebreaks in additionaltext1+2. | Linebreaks are now retained when generating the PDFs. | Web | |
Inserting an equipment's image into a PDF doesn’t work. | The image can now be inserted, the field has changed name from “Image” to “Picture”. | Web | |
Support mails sometimes show ÆØÅ as ? | Support mails is now better at handling ISO-8859 charset. | Web | |
The Avery 35x35 label format didn’t quite suite the customer. | A new Avery 35x35 label format has been added, with outlines of each label. | Web | |
The radio question type in forms has a “required” option which doesn’t do anything. | We’ev removed the “required” option for the radio question type. | Web | |
The filter editing pages look bad when the new UI is enabled. | We’ve made minor changes to make the pages look better. | Web | |
When exporting a table as Excel you sometimes get “null” values. | The “null” values are caused by MB generating invlida values for some type of types; it has been fixed for some field types but probably not all. | Web | |
The image categories pages used a mix of new and old design. | The image categories page has been converted to using the new design. | Web | |
The image search didn’t like it when there were more than approx. 1200 images in a search result. | We’ve reorganized the data so that there is no longer a limitation. | Web | |
Image search looks for projects and equipment even if those modules aren’t installed. | The image search now checks which modules are installed. | Web | |
Task search can be very inefficient when there are many tasks but a user only has access to a few. | We’ve rewritten the access check so that it can be performed in SQL, this means fewer tasks to check in PHP. | Web | |
When editing daily worksheet MB doesn’t suggest tickets. | MB now suggest tickets that match the input. | Web | |
Approving worksheet for “borrowed” users failed to list the borrowed users if current user didn’t have access to viewing their worksheets. | The check for access to worksheet has been relaxed so that “borrowed” users can be seen | Web | |
When adding an additional seller to a quotation template then UI is messed up, some fields are hidden; same applies when editing a project with subtasks | We’ve made sure that the UI looks OK | Web | |
The quotation template editing page has the wrong title | The title has been changed. | Web | |
Sometimes it is possible to create a worksheet for a future date | We’ve made minor changes to try to prevent this. | Web | |
It takes a long time to add tasks to pools if the pool notifies the app by push messages | The push messages are now combined and are also sent in a background job | Web | |
The API calls GetTodosByLastChange and GetCustomersByLastChange are quite slow | We’ve made a bunch of optimizations to speed things up; GetTodosByLastChange is probably about 1/3 faster now | Web |
Release date:
Issue | Solution | Devices | Status |
After our fee adjustments, fees no longer included themself, so a 1 % of total wouldn’t include other fees. | We have added a new fee type, which includes other fees in its calculations. | Web | ✓ |
Sometimes multiple reminders was created when you had a repeating reminder set at midnight or just after midnight | We have fixed it so only one reminder is created | Web | ✓ |
Sometimes form pictures from iOS goes missing | We now save a copy of the pictures in a seperate folder. | iOS/Web | |
The “once only” repetition for report emails is misleading | We’ve removed the “once only” repetition. | Web | |
The onlocation page would stall the rest of the system | The script that read the location data no loger block for access to the rest of the system | Web | |
The list of document template could bevery slow when very long | We’ve done some things to optimize it | Web | |
It was no longer possible to edit project gantt templates | The gantt template editing has been reinstated | Web | |
A customer had problems converting a customfield to searchable | The problem was caused by incorrect handling of some values of the fields, which caused a PHP8.1 error | Web | |
News from eg. Ventu to all contracts are being shown on the start page. | The start page now only shows “local” news. | Web | |
CC registration mails are send when a worksheet is closed. | CC registration mail are no longer sent when a worksheet is closed. | Web |
Release date:
Issue | Solution | Devices | Status |
Issue where some views like quotation did not have imagelocation dialog setup correctly. | It is now set up correctly. | Web | ✓ |
Error where users could not understand how the skip weekend feature worked. | it was not well explained a helptext has been added. | Web | ✓ |
issue where the image location row counter would count images and not rows | it is now counting rows. | Web | ✓ |
issue where sorting did not work correctly in image location. | You can now sort the table. | Web | ✓ |
Boxes on the task editing page sometimes move around when scrolling | We’ve tried to make minor adjustments to the CSS to fix it | Web | |
HTML entities ø etc appear in company names | We’ve reverted at fix from 4 months ago. | Web | |
The PRODUCTS tab on quotations crash if the products include a subscription | We’ve fixed a typo | Web | |
Filters that search look in user fields give incorrect results | The filter failed to parse the input from the user field and so looked for the wrong user; this has been fixed. | Web | |
Planning is sometimes changed to 1 minute when planning across month end/start. | Planning across month end/start no longer reduces duration to 1 minute. | Web | |
Could not add permission to show Message. | Moved the permission to the system permission. | Web | ✓ |
When changing a Task in closed status to in-progress status, som subtasks will get another close status. | We added a warning dialog when changing the from closed status to in-progress. Or from a status in-progress status to a closed status . | Web | ✓ |
When copying a quotation, it should be possible to see the difference between the main and the copy. | Now the copy will get a “Copy of” in the title. | Web | ✓ |
The log reported warnings about decimal errors in form answers even if everything was OK | We don’t look for decimal error where there are none | Web |
Release date:
Issue | Solution | Devices | Status |
Issue where kiosk table columns could not be set by a user. | If you have the permissions to set for all users it also works for the user, which is not logged in. | Web | ✓ |
Issue in the new release where the new designs new pages sometimes did not have a highlighted module in the sidebar. | The pages highlighted modules are now following the url if not specified by the user. | Web | ✓ |
The design of buttons in buttonlanes in new pages had no design | It now looks like it used to. | Web | ✓ |
Couldn’t export invoices. | Can not export invoices. | Web | ✓ |
Error when accepting a Salescontract | Can now accept a Salescontract | Web | ✓ |
Routing planning warning contains invalid text “%d plannings could…” | The text has been changed to “%1 plannings coould…” | Web | ✓ |
The API call GetWGRepeatsByLastChange gave error | The relevant PHP class has been updated to follow strict requirements from PHP8.1 | Web | ✓ |
The product use tab shows a new experimental design for task id=1 | The product use tab no longer shows the experimental design | Web | ✓ |
Excel export of quotation contribmargin always gave 0 | The contrib margin field is no longer treated as a number but as text, that fixed the problem | Web | ✓ |
Issue where images searched for would not be in the generated pdf. if clicked on to pdf while more images were being loaded. | Now it’s visible that pdf is not ready. | Web | ✓ |
Error where a new userlist in extranet would crash microbizz. | This error has been handled. | Web | ✓ |
The arrows would be oposite when pressed in the image location. | This issue has been handles it is no longer oposite. | ||
Mails for the reminder action “create customer” was sent at the wrong time and could include HTML chars | The reminder action is now run at the right time, and the text is not HTML escaped too much | Web | |
The planning module showed HTML chars for ÆØÅ in company names | The company names are no longer HTML escaped | Web | |
Quotation lines of less than 0.25 pieces cannot be saved | We now allow quotation lines of less than 1 piece | Web | |
API: the field parenttodo_ns_number is not filled in when using the old project module | The fields is now filled in | Web | |
When editing a quotation the responsible seller was automatically chosen, and not copied from the contract. | Now the seller is copied from the contract if any. | ||
We sometimes experienced a crash when sending “CC registration mail” | There was a typo which cause the crash, it has been corrected | Web | |
The layout of the Question form search page could sometimes get messed up when changing the period | The layout is now reinitialized when the period changes | Web | |
Product sometimes wasn’t include on invoices | Product use from EDIs would become inv.lines apparently from non-existing fees, and since the fees didn’t exist the lines would be deleted again | Web | |
New quotations are not filled in with values like customer, user etc | When creating a new quotation the various fields are now prefilled in with reasonable values | Web | |
On quotations details page the LINES tab gets messed up after switching to the FORMS tab and back | We did a clumsy fix to try to ensure the correct layout of the LINES tab | Web | |
Report R24PA has problems with numbers with only 1 decimal | We’ve fixed the problem with number formatting | Web |
Release date:
Issue | Solution | Devices | Status |
Proløn does not work in some situations and gives a null reference. | The issue was fixed. | Web | ✓ |
Scroll to a module in the sidepane does not always work in chrome | Since scroll was reset by chrome at the end of page load. we have to wait for the page to be properly loaded before scrolling. | Web | ✓ |
A module was not always highlighted in the old modules. | The modules are now hightligted as always. | Web | ✓ |
In the new design permissions were sometimes not working properly | There is a cleanup that fixes this issue. | Web | ✓ |
First Project: Technical error when entering Gantt tab | Now Gantt tab now working as always | Web | ✓ |
Workarea would get removed from statusses in some situations. | Workarea is no longer unset. | Web | ✓ |
Prospect would be included in search results. | This is no longer an issue. | Web | ✓ |
In the new ui, the page would sometimes reload when it shouldn’t | This issue is fixed on random events. | Web | ✓ |
The others hours module did not show users correctly. | This issue has been fixed. | Web | ✓ |
When reading a mail. in microbizz it would look like the mails had extra lines between line breaks. | This issue was a styling issue and has been fixed. | Web | ✓ |
If a country field is of type text, and you enter a valid 2 letter code then the code is expanded to the full country name. | The 2 letter code is no longer expanded. | Web | ✓ |
The extranet could be slow when showing a very long list of task. | Task search can now be aborted by leaving the page or by changing the search criteria | Web | ✓ |
The list of task statuses didn’t include “project” in the task types field. | The task type “project” is now included. | Web | ✓ |
The field “field 29” isn’t imported by the Pentacon integration | Now the field is imported and updates a customfield | Web | ✓ |
It is not possible to see tasks that are private for another user when editing the user’s worksheet. | Tasks that are private for another user can be searched+found when editing the worksheet for that user. | Web | ✓ |
The new image location feature only allows for 1000 images in a PDF. | The limit is now 5000 images. | Web | ✓ |
When deleting a job pool, the attached jobs are not erased. | Now the pool is properly deleted | Web | ✓ |
When invoicings through “Invoice all“, the task paymentcompany was ignored. | Now the correct paymentcompany can be chosen. | Web | ✓ |
Problem with styling on pages all over microbizz would have wrong text sizes. | Styling is fixed. | Web | ✓ |
A small error message occurs in the tab list in task/CRM modules when the new EDI module is disabled. | There is now better check for if the new EDI module is enabled. | Web | ✓ |
Budget was not calculated correctly in a view in projects. | Budget is now calculated better. | Web | ✓ |
When a checkout registration end at 00:00 nothing is registered. | We handle the special case of a checkout registration ending at 00:00. | ||
Microbizz generated an error when trying to auto-invoice a task without company. | Tasks without company are now ignored when auto-invoicing. |
Release date:
Issue | Solution | Devices | Status |
New customregistration could result in warning when saving a registration | The issue was fixed. | Web | |
When adding product use the 'used time' is in UTC. | The 'used time' field is now in browser local time. | Web | |
Filtering on number fields do not like if the field contains NULL. | There is better handling of NULL. | Web | |
Deactivation of user could cause crash. | PHP8.1 - we now check if a certain field is an array before using it as an array. | Web | |
When editing an existing form answer with HTML field the HTML field is empty. | Summernote didn't like <DOCTYPE> in the HTML, it is now strippped. | Web | |
Invoice can be created without any Title. | Now title is required | Web | |
Form Actions: When applying a subtasks action and selecting the field attach to previous object (project), then the task was not attached to the created project. | Now the created task will be attached to project. | Web | |
Selecting a product in depot order didn’t update the product no | The product no is no updated | Web | |
When attaching an equipment to a project the equipment didn’t show up in the list | Equipments attached to a project are listed in the project list of attached equipment | Web | |
Depot order lines disappeared when they were edited | Problem was the the customer ref. was cleared, the issue was fixed. | Web | |
Project Module - tabulator. Pencil is not working after choosing columns. | Refreshing page after saving the columns. | Web | |
The new role based permissions didn’t quite work | Minor changes were made to fix it | Web |