CC registration
In this upcoming release, we are launching CC registration
What is it?
To support the Danish electrician's collective agreement on giving the employees the ability to receive a copy of their time registration, we launched the necessary functions in this update to do so.
Example 1: Your employee is out working on a task and makes multiple time registrations at once. Microbizz will now send an email including all the time registrations made in one email.
Example 2: Your employee is out working on a task and makes multiple time registrations separately throughout the day. Microbizz will now send an email for every registration made. In this example, the employee made 5 registrations which resulted in 5 different emails
How do I get started?
Click on settings → Hours → CC registration mail where you will be met by this screen:

“Email field” will as default take the email from the user's profile. If you are using email custom fields, you will also be able to select those here.
Per default, we include a message to the user receiving the email. If you want to replace this message, you can use the “Mail body” section to send a personal message to your employees
To receive your first email, make a time registration in the system and save it.
In this scenario, I will be registering 4 hours directly from my worksheet, even though this can be done wherever even in the app.
When I click save, I now receive my first email, which will be looking like this:

We include all the necessary information directly in the email
Check out this video, where we show you how it's working