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New features for the Juni release

Take a look at what we've been building for the last few months đź™‚


API changes

The API call GetColumnGroups now returns a type for all fields.

Hours module

Notification about overlapping registrations

You will now get a notification when an hour registration is rejected because it overlaps another registration. This affects app users. Web users will still get an error message.

User module

Send mail when registering time

It is possible to set up Microbizz so that an email is automatically sent to any user that registers time.

Reset password

If a user forgets their password they may now reset it: when they type an incorrect password they will get the option to reset the password and will receive an email with a link for resetting. This is is a setting that must be enabled in the User module.

It is also possible for an adminstrator to force a user's to change the password, there is a button for this on the user details page; this will also send an email with a link. 

New UI

The MY SETTINGS tab now provides a option for enabling the new UI.

System module

Background data adjust

One of the data adjust jobs is now run in the background. This is job that changes the access to all folders in a module. This can sometimes take so long that the server gives a timeout, for that reason it is now run in the background and you receive a mail when it is completed.

Clean up

In the System module, in the ADMIN menu, there is a new feature that allows you to delete old files and old emails, to reduce the amount of disk space your Microbizz solution uses, and thus reduce the cost of storage. This may also help with GDPR compliance.

CRM update filter

It is now possible to change the company name using an update filter.

Equipment module

Design of equipment service page

The design of the equipment service page has change a bit, the buttons for saving the forms have been moved to below the actual form.

Sales module

Quotation PDF

When saving a quotation as PDF it is now possible to select a line format that will prevent the lines from being included.

Task module

New permission

There is a new permission for editing product use in the task module. This is initially enabled for all.

Invoice module

Warning about missing fields

You now get a warning about missing fields when you try to post an invoice and the integration requires certain fields to be filled in.

Set taxzone for companies

There is a DATA ADJUST job (in the System module) that allows you to change the taxzone for all companies that use an Economic integration.

Automatic accounting year for EDIs sent to Economic

Previously you have to select an accounting year in the setup of the Economic 2023 integration, but now this is handled automatically.

Report module

Report by email

The “Replace user with reciever” option in report mails now also works when the report should contain data for all users

Sort rows and columns

When a user defined report uses grouping by row/column the rows and columns are now sorted.

New report T33

The new report shows lines (hours/product use) that has not been invoiced.

Project module

A new API call has been added GetProjectsByField.
Get a collection of projects where a given field matches a value.


Create from CVR

When creating a company from a CVR number you may now specify the integration to use for the new company. This also ensures that customernumbers are taken from the integration if possible.

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