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September 2021

New question for action

There is a new question form action, which adds an hour registration.

If you fill in the form on a task, the hour registration is added to the task; if you fill in the form on an equipment, the hour reg. is added to the latest of the assign tasks; otherwise the hour reg. is added to the task that you are checked in on.

It is important to remember to select a field that specifies the workarea.

This was part of Q1 2021.

Transfer log

The transfer log is being phased out. The same functionality is available in the normal log so for now the transfer log directs you to the normal log.

Requisition field

The requisition field in tasks and projects is now always visible, regardless of the invoice method.

Visualize routes

In the Planning module there is a new "Route..." menu item in the menu that appears when you click on a planning. This shows how a user is going to be driving, based on the locations of the tasks planned for the user.

Changes to naming

We have renamed the settings that control when it is possible to register time on closed tasks. The functionality has not changed.

Send mail actions will be sent in system language

To avoid a high variety of languages given to users when sending mails. The system language will be the standard language in which action sent emails will be sent.

New input field

An input field with a search option has been created and will slowly/safely replace the standard inputs.

New Screenblocker

A new screenblocker with a slightly more smooth design has been added and will be visible in newer modules.

Mark Invoices as handled - new Data Adjust

The new Data Adjust will mark invoices from one date to another as handled without invoicing. This helps some users cleaning up if they didn't ongoingly invoice their invoices.

Task templates and custom fields

When editing a task template which specifies a work area, you may now only fill in the custom fields that are actually available for that work area.

If the template doesn't specify a work area, then you may still fill in all custom fields.

Filter editing

We have made a number of improvements to the filter editing. 

You can now simply drag the fields from the list of fields (on the right side) to the "All of these..." or "At least one of these..." sections (on the left side).

It is also possible to search for a specific field, and the fields are grouped.

Overview of permission

The page with details about a user now has a new tab, which contains an overview of all the permissions, and whether the user has each of these permissions.

Automatically saved value

Last value is saved in "Get EAN from" when changing attachment in a task.

Height of table issue fix

When collapsing and expanding submenus in a table the height will be adjusted.

Responsive calendar

When plans are overlapping the tasks will be placed next to each other rather than into each other.

Copy question form action

You may now copy actions from another question form. When you're editing the actions for a question form, there is now a "Copy actions" button, which allows to select actions from another form, and copy these to the current form.

Set SLA from update filter

An update filter for tasks may now set the SLA start date and start time for the task. This is done by updating the fields "SLA start date" and "SLA start time", both fields have to be set for it to work.

Go to the only search result

There is a new setting in the Setup module, which controls if Microbizz should go straight to the first and only search result.

This only works in some modules, noticeably Tasks and CRM.

Reminders update

Reminders will now automatically open when you click on the link to the object, and will be considered as opened when you open it that way. Furthermore, the functionality will open a new tab rather than overwriting the tab you are currently on.

Teams will now be shown in tooltips

A new tooltip will appear when users hover over teams.


The GENERAL settings in the various modules have been moved to an icon in the top right corner of the page, next to where your name is displayed.

The settings are displayed in a popup window, allowing you to change settings without having to leave the current page, or current module.

The SETTINGS item in the menubar has been renamed to CONFIGURATION.

Requisition in templates

When editing task templates you may now specify a value for the requisition field.

Project infobox

For those who use the new Project module: the startpage infobox that displays projects from a filter has been extended to include a button which links to the Gantt view of the projects.


The list of available reports is now displayed the same way as all other lists in Microbizz.

Plan module history

In the Plan module there is a tooltip for each date, that displays info about when the plan registration was changed. This now includes details about who changed it. Notice however that this only works for changes made after the release.

Question form improvements

For certain types of questions it is now possible to specify a "placeholder" text. This is the text that is displayed in the input field, until you start typing. This can be used to explain what type of value should be entered.

For fields of the type "static text" it now possible to specify a font size and style.

These changes do not work in the app.

Tool Service inspections change

If an inspection has been started by another user and you try to start a new inspection, you are notified that the other user already started an inspection.
If you are the admin of the inspection you can cancel the inspection.

Setting for permanently deleting deactivated products

A new setting have appeared that will cause future deactivated products to be permanently deleted if the setting is toggled.

Additionally a data adjust have been added to clean up products.
This will give a better mobiles better results.

Better date validation

When putting a date using a datepicker the change will be validated instantly and an error will be shown if there is an issue.

Global Search setting for bigger column size

Global search setting for column size is now not double sized, but in columns.

Last login date

The date+time of last login is now shown on the details page for a user. The fields can also be shown as column when searching for users, and be used in filters etc.

"Our reference" on invoices

The Invoice module now includes a setting for controlling which CRM field is copied to the "our reference" field on an invoice.

Full screen editing of task description

When editing a task and using the HTML editor there is now a "toggle" size icon, which toggles the editor to full screen.

Rename the Setup module

The Setup module has been renamed to System and now has a new icon.

It's now possible for date pickers to validate on change

Datepickers can validate on change rather than when submitting. This helps users not to make changes as often after having submitted, slightly speeding up the form filling process.

Expiration date hidden

For showing tasks in the Extranet. expiration date is hidden untill show for extranet is toggled.

Search settings gathered in Start

Search settings are now gathered in start page.

Tooltip for teams sorted

Team leaders in top and then members. and the members are alphabetic.

Maingroup deletion handling

If a main group is deleted it is now possible to redirect objects from that main group to another existing or setting it as not being part of a main group.
This is both a bugfix and a feature.

Multi-edit tasks in new Project module

For those with the new Project module: it is now possible to multi-edit tasks, and to apply update filters to the tasks in the TASKS tab on a project.

Plannings are now deleted when tasks are

When you delete a task, not only the task will be deleted, but also the plannings and events connected to the task will also be removed.

Permissions for update filters

You can now set permissions for update filters, so that only certain teams may use an update filter.

Removal of project functions

We have removed a few functions from the new project module. These were functions that didn't work due to never being fully implemented, so their removal should not cause any problems.

Invoice selected

The "Pending invoicing" page in the Task module, now allows one to invoice only the selected tasks. Previously, you could only invoice all tasks.

Static fields in PDFs

It is now possible to define static text fields that can be inserted into PDFs. Usually the fields, that are inserted into PDFs, are taken from a task or equipment or some other object, but you may also define static text fields that can be inserted. This allows you to insert different texts depending on the language chosen when the PDF is generated.

The setup is done in the System module, in the menu DOCUMENTS > STATIC TEXTS.

When editing the PDF, the fields become available in the field list, amongst the "special fields".

Background colour for fields in PDFs

When editing the fields in a PDF, you may double click on a green field to change the font, font size etc. for the field. This has now been extended to allow you to also specify the background colour of the field.

Company info

The menu LOGO in the System module has been renamed to COMPANY INFO. You can still use it to specify logos for your Microbizz solution, but you may now also select a company from the CRM module, to represent your company.

This information from the company can then be used in PDFs, so that you don't have to update all PDFs whenever there are changes to your company address etc.

File tooltip

The tooltip for files has been changed a little bit, so that the date/time of the binary data is shown instead of the date/time of creation and latest change.

Image search

There is now an image search functionality in the Report module. This allows you to find and display images from any object, or from question forms. This is intended for situations where you are thinking: "I uploaded a blue picture last week, where was that?".

It is still a little primitive, as we are trying to figure out what features are needed for an image search.

Discounts in EDI PDF

When you save an EDI invoice as PDF, any discounts and fees are now displayed in the totals at the bottom.

Scaling down images

Instead of a size limit, inline images are now scaled down if they are larger than 200 KB.

New project filter funktion

It is now possible to find all projects associated with a task that is associated with a filter.

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