Task/Ticket | Device | Status |
Creating new tasks without company Problem: The App would crash when trying to create a new task without a company assigned to it. Cause: The App expected a company to be assigned to the task at creation, so the App could not handle the command and crashed. Solution: The App now gives an error message if no company is assigned to a task when creating. | iOS, Android | |
In calendar always shows status SICK Problem: In the calendar it would show "sick" on every day. Solution: The App now gets the correct status and displays it. | iOS | |
Employees planned needs to be implemented Problem: In the App it was not possible to see which users was planned for a task. Solution: A new field on tasks has been added called "Planlagt til" which displays the users planned. | iOS, Android | |
SERVICE - Multiple forms Problem: When doing service on Equipment only 1 form could be assigned/filled out Solution: Now several Forms can be assigned to service, and the user doing the service gets told/displayed that there is several forms to be filled out. | iOS, Android | |
Ongoing forms shows as "requested" Problem: When entering a task it would tell you "1 requested form" (or more) when there is 0 requested forms. Cause: The system was seeing both requested and ongoing forms as "started - not finished", which made the App count "ongoing forms" as "requested" in this regard. Solution: Ongoing and Requested forms has now been further differentiated and the warning of "requested forms" now correctly only counts requested forms. | iOS, Android | |
Add uniqueid for AnswerQuestionFree Problem: When the app loses connection after it requested data, it would sometimes request it again when reconnected. That meant that the App could end up creating duplicates. Solution: We have added uniqueID to all commands that updates the server or vice versa. That means if you are for example filling out a form, when it is saved it gets an UniqueId. Now the APP and Server can keep communicating to make sure that it has been correctly updated, and no duplicates happen. | iOS, Android | |
Cannot see hour registration for 2020 Problem: The App would incorrectly only display information from the active/current year in the Hour Module. Solution: You can now correctly navigate further back in time. | iOS, Android | |
Wrong text displayed several places Problem: On tasks, Company and Equipment "startpages" there would be wrong/misleading information. Solution: The text has been changed or deleted. | iOS | |
PRODUCTS - "negative" amount of products Problem: The App needs to be able to add "negative" amount of products. Solution: You can now add a negative amount of products. | iOS, Android | |
FORM - Save for later - Default value Problem: In certain situations the default value of fields in forms would dissapear or be displayed incorrectly. Solution: The issue has been corrected, and should now work as intended. | iOS, Android |
06.01.2020 - 20.01.2020
Task/Ticket | Branch | Status |
Task #14338: New report for financial groups within Economic Problem: To build a report that can be loaded into Economic to influence some financial groups. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Task #14403: Fixing deleting data in DATA ADJUST Problem: Whenver one deleted data from DATA ADJUST in the SETUP module, other important information was also deleted such as user prices, basic prices etc. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Ticket #21775: Problems with calculation of prices Problem: When generating a PDF from a template, the prices weren't added up, and thus the "Total price" and "VAT" placeholders (as well as the placeholder for both of the values combined) had no values in them. Cause: Due to an error which meant that the total was always inserted in the "Total" column when using a custom line format. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Task #14442: Wrong dates and times under reminders Problem: When marking repeated reminders to "Implement", wrong dates and times were given to them, causing Microbizz to create the reminder for today, not in the future as expected. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Task #14416: PDF generated from a template calculates wrong total price for product use Problem: After filling out a form, the generated PDF (from a template) calculated the total price for product use based on "Cost per item" instead of "Total price". Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Ticket #21316: Problems with decimals when exporting custom-generated report to e.g. Excel Problem: Whenever one generated a custom report which included "product use", and a decimal separator was inserted in a value, it randomly removed the decimal when exporting to e.g. Excel. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Task #14339: Push messages when sending tasks to pool Problem: Whenever one sent a task to pool and chose to push message, a sound on iOS devices occurred upon synchronization. The expectation was that no sound should be heard. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | App | |
Task #14371: Scrolling in tabulator jumps sporadically Problem: Whenever one scrolled in tabulator, it would jump a couple of rows up / down. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Ticket #21510: New version of tabulator selects all results even after filtering the search result Problem: After doing a search and filtering the results, all results were selected when using "Select all". Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Ticket #21872: EDI invoices aren't imported to Microbizz Problem: After a specific date, EDI invoices weren't being imported anymore. Cause: Due to our implementation of EDI integrations. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web |
Task/Ticket | Branch | Status |
Ticket #20959: Can't change language in the Extranet Problem: The language doesn't change when trying to do so in the Extranet. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Ticket #21423: Timeline in the Planning module disappears from view when scrolling Problem: When scrolling down in the Planning module the timeline disappeared. Cause: Bad placement of the timeline. Solution: Fixed by improving the dynamic location of the timeline. | Web | |
Ticket #21687: Issues when planning tasks Problem: When planning tasks in the Planning module it was always using 100% occupancy in full-day planning. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Ticket #21735: Tables in Microbizz aren't showing results Problem: The user interface regarding tables (e.g. whenever a search has been made). Cause: Due to wrong calculation of the table's height. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Ticket #21757: API calls in Microbizz aren't working as intended Problem: API calls regarding column groups, as well as the Tasks and Project modules, weren't producing correct results. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Ticket #21764: Error when trying to close a quotation in the Sales module Problem: Whenever one entered the Extranet, and then logged in to Microbizz (their main system), they could see all other categories accessible only by the other teams. Cause: Due to a bug when calculating the sum of product use. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Task #14415: Updated API calls within Fortnox integration Problem: The API call TaxReductionType is now required if the invoice row has a specific property set to True. Cause: Updates to Fortnox's API calls. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web |
Task/Ticket | Device | Status |
Ongoing forms call adjustment Problem: When entering the forms page, the app was loading all possible forms in the system. Solution: We have optimized the searching/loading to only relevant forms. | iOS, Android | |
FORMS - Numbers issues Problem: When saving a form with wrong thousand separator logic, the app would crash, rather than warn the user. Cause: A while back, over a longer period, we changed the behavour of how seperators should work. Solution: The App now correctly identifies the issue and corrects it. | iOS, Android | |
PRODUCT - Amount not showing Problem: On the product overview, the total amount of specific products added was gone. Cause: In the previous update we had some optimization added, which cause some issues with the product numbers. Solution: Further optimization of the code, so that the product amount should work again. | iOS, Android | |
Closed tasks removed after 7 days Problem: Tasks which was closed was displayed for much longer than 7 days. Solution: We have changed the threshhold for when a task is displayed in the app, if a task has been closed for 7 days, it should not show any longer. | iOS, Android | |
Equipment Filter - Responsible Problem: You could not filter for responsible. Cause: The filter "responsible" was made available only for Tasks, Solution: The filter "responsible" has now been added to equipment. | iOS, Android | |
Historical Persons are appearing when editing Tasks > Persons Problem: When choosing persons, you had more options than what should have been allowed. Cause: Historical Persons of the companies was allowed to be chosen, though they should not have. Solution: Optimized code, so that only current Persons from a company is visible. | iOS, Android | |
IOS - Filter - Responsible SHOWS "CEO in Lorem A/S" Problem: There was some wrong text being displayed when filtering for responsible. Solution: Removed wrong text. | iOS | |
Adjust UI on these 4 screens for iOS and Android Solution: We have updated the UI to make the app look better and more consistent. | iOS, Android | |
Samsung - Standard keyboard does not have "," Problem: the native app keyboard on samsung did not have the correct setup in the app. Cause: Our code did not work for samsung devices. Solution: We have added new code that does work for samsung devices so it correctly changes "," and "." depending on language, as well as other optimization. | Android | |
PRODUCTS - New search fields Problem: we wanted to add more fields that always is seachable in the app, when searching. Solution: the following fields is now always searchable.
| iOS, Android |
Task/Ticket | Device | Status |
Ticket #20710: Weird access in the Extranet Problem: Whenever one entered the Extranet, and then logged in to Microbizz (their main system), they could see all other categories accessible only by the other teams. Cause: Due to how cookies was stored and handled. Solution: Solved by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Ticket #21661: Technical error in the Extranet Problem: Whenever one entered the Extranet, a technical error occurred. Cause: Due to a wrong SQL syntax. Solution: Solved by optimizing the SQL syntax. | Web | |
Ticket #21590: Problem with input in "User" field in route planning function Problem: Whenever one entered a non-existent value in the "User" field and pressed Enter, the system stopped. Cause: Due to one pressing the "Enter"-key when planning tasks to routes. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Task #14296: Can't mark tasks with specific invoice policy as "Do not invoice" Problem: Couldn't mark tasks that had their "Invoice policy" set to "Fixed price" as "Do not invoice". Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Task #14323: Salary report are suddenly not showing users Problem: Whenever one tried to generate a salary report, information regarding "Approved by" was gone. Cause: Due to how Microbizz handled daily worksheets. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Task #14355: Forms are not recognizing decimal numbers Problem: Whenever one tried to use a form to add decimals together, it rounded the result down. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Ticket #21649: Calendar appointments not being shown in App 3 Problem: Appointments weren't synchronizing to App 3. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | iOS, Android |
Task/Ticket | Device | Status |
Ticket #21547: Technical error when trying to set up new salary rules Problem: When trying to add a new rule on a users Salary tab, a technical error occurred. Cause: Due to a user having a specific type of account set up. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Ticket #21567: Specific filters are wrong after creation Problem: Trying to create a filter with specific fields, changed their settings after creation. Cause: Due to many "One of many (with indices)" fields. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Task #14321: Technical error when using report T20 Problem: Whenever one tried to generate the report T20, a technical error occurred. Cause: Not enough memory allocated if their are many rows in the database. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Ticket #21606: Wrong sorting of "Last service" date Problem: When trying to sort the dates from the "Last service" column after e.g. searching for equipment, they were sorted wrong. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web |
Task/Ticket | Device | Status |
Ticket #21492: Can't select items from subscription list Problem: Since updating the user interface, it wasn't possible to select the rows. Cause: Unknown. Solution: It has been agreed that we will not be using the option to select rows by clicking anywhere. Thus, we re-introduce a checkbox to select rows. | Web | |
Ticket #20526: Missing space between two columns when saving to PDF Problem: When saving a document template to PDF with the columns "Amount" and "Item number", there was no whitespace separating to separate them. Cause: Whenever a right-hand column was located to the left of a left-hand column in a line format. Solution: Fixed by adding a whitespace in front of each value. | Web | |
Ticket #21451: Procedure permissions doesn't work Problem: Even though the permissions were set correctly, it only worked with the "admin key" activated. Cause: Due to permissions that were needed, but not yet implemented. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Ticket #21514: Missing form actions Problem: Trying to create a form action "Create new sub-task" showed that couple of settings were missing. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web |
Task/Ticket | Device | Status |
NOTIFICATION - Not marking note as read Problem: Notes would not be marked as "Read" when using the "Pop-Up Notification". Cause: Missing functionality. Solution: Marked as Read has been added to the pop-up notification. | iOS, Android | |
BARCODE search does not AUTOMATICALLY show results Problem: When searching for products using a barcode reader, it would merely enter the value/input and leave it at that. Cause: Missing functionality. Solution: Now when the app registers that a barcode has been scanned, it also searches for the input afterwards. | iOS, Android | |
Ongoing forms call adjustment Problem: On larger systems with a lot of forms, the APP would have difficulties loading/preparing all the options for the user. Cause: The APP would try and synk up ALL forms in the entire system, rather than just the ones relevant for the task. Solution: The APP now only loads relevant forms rather than all. | iOS, Android | |
Address SECTION in TASKS is NOT UPDATING with SYNC Problem: When you added additional adresses in Microbizz web, those adresses would not sync up to the APP, unless re-configuring. Cause: The additional address was only set up to be synchronized at the konfiguration, and not at a regular synchronization. Solution: We have added the functionality to the regular synchronization. | iOS, Android | |
REPEATING EVENTS - These are missing Problem: The Calendar would not display all appointments, as well as missing additional information. Cause: The APP could not find appointments that was "too far" from today's date. Solution: Now the APP correctly locates all appointments and tasks planned and displays them with all information. | iOS, Android |
Task/Ticket | Branch | Status |
Ticket #21364: Wrong creation of project from template when accepting quotations Problem: Trying to create a project with e.g. 3 sub-tasks from a project template when accepting a quotation, only one sub-task was created, and the other sub-tasks added some random places on the customer. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Ticket #21347: Editing registered hours resets it Problem: When registering hours, there are both a start time and an end time, but when wanting to edit the registration, the start and end times were reset. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Ticket #21261 & #21410: Missing certificates after multiservicing equipment Problem: After multiservicing equipment, certificates weren't being created. Cause: Due to some tasks not having a creation date, so when Microbizz had to find all the months since the creation date, it found infinitely many. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the locks on parallelized and automated jobs. | Web | |
Task #14247: Can't mark text from rows / columns Problem: Since updating the user interface, it wasn't possible to mark text from the rows and columns. Cause: Unknown. Solution: It has been agreed that we will not be using the option to select rows by clicking anywhere. Thus, we re-introduce a checkbox to select rows. | Web | |
Task #14267: Extending API calls Problem: Extending the API with calls for reading pending form requests. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Ticket #21249: BUDGET tab on tasks not loading Problem: When trying to access a task's BUDGET tab nothing happened. Cause: Due to some tasks not having a creation date, so when Microbizz had to find all the months since the creation date, it found infinitely many. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web |
Task/Ticket | Device | Status |
DOCUMENTS - FOLDER choice is not saved Problem: When working in folders, after opening a file, it would revert back to the root folder. Cause: Missing functionality Solution: now the device remembers which folder the file was opened from, and opens up that folder when exiting the file. | iOS, Android | |
FILE EXTENSION with LARGE LETTERS Problem: If the filetype was written in capital letters, such as .PDF, it would not open. Cause: The system would try and open these files as images(and fail). It would not see the file as a .pdf file. Solution: The system now opens up files correctly, regardless if they are in full capital or normal. | iOS, Android | |
Long title on notes can't be seen Problem: If you made a long title on a note, it would not display the full title. Cause: Missing functionality. Solution: Now you will be able to "swipe" the text from side to side, in order to read the full title. | iOS, Android | |
FILES - Upload crash - Android Problem: When you tried to upload a file that was bigger than 2MB, the app would crash. Cause: Coding error. Solution: the issue has been fixed, and the system now correctly allows files to be uploaded that is less than 15mb. | Android | |
FILES - Filetypes disabled in iOS Problem: Certain filetypes would be greyed out/disabled on iOS. Cause: Coding error. Solution: No file is disabled anymore, all files should be allowed to be uploaded. | iOS | |
NOTES - Link/phonenumber not visible Problem: When a text became a link (Phonenumber and mails), some places in the APP it would be hard to see the link due to the same color background(eg. on notes). Solution: We have identified the places where there is a blue background and changed the color of the link-text in those places. | iOS, Android | |
HOUR - registrations on 0 minutes should be accepted Problem: The app would not allow 0 minute registrations from check-in/out. Cause: We have changed our stance on this, and have changed it so it is now allowed. Solution: the app now allows you to create 0 minute registrations. | iOS, Android |
Task/Ticket | Device | Status |
Ticket #21249: Misplaced buttons in the Project module Problem: Some buttons were misplaced in the new Project module. Cause: Zero-height button lane. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Ticket #21291: Wrong insertion of new lines when creating invoices Problem: When invoicing a task, and adding a new item in the middle of all the other items, a new, empty invoice line was created. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Ticket #14198: Missing custom fields in import filters Problem: When a task reopened it created a new order which is fine. But the newly created task was an exact copy of the "original" task, as registered hours and notes made on it appeared on the new one as well. Cause: Due to not resetting the fields that are to be summated i.e. hours, prices, etc.. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Ticket #21002 & #21229: Addresses on tasks weren't synchronized correctly Problem: Adding addresses to a task didn't synchronize correctly to the App. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | iOS, Android | |
Ticket #21309: Missing custom fields in import filters Problem: If a custom field was of type "Team", it was missing from import filters. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Ticket #21111: Missing options in "Send PDF" form action setup Problem: The possibility to also send PDFs to a field from the form was suddenly removed. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by reinserting the functionality as before. | Web | |
Ticket #21066: Problems with layout for users Problem: Whenever setting a field as non-editable, one could still edit it. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Task #14232: Viewing search results Problem: Searching for items in any module which produced more than one page, choosing an item from e.g. page 3, and pressing the "Back" button, wouldn't allow you to navigate the list of search results again. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Ticket #21233: Wrong translation of "Active" menu in equipment search Problem: The translation was wrong i.e. it was in English regardless of the language chosen. Cause: Wrong translation. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the translation to fit the chosen language. | Web | |
Ticket #21269: Problems with summation of columns in Excel Problem: Whenever exporting data to Excel, a columns summation wasn't being calculated. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code for exporting data. | Web | |
Ticket #21259: Problems with layout for tasks Problem: Whenever setting a field as required, it never was when wanting to create / edit a task. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Task #13446: Long wait in Microbizz Problem: Really long processing time in Microbizz, this applied every time one needed to update a page, create a new case or change the status of a case. Cause: The locks implemented for reads and writes on objects, causing the process to lock itself. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the locks. | Web | |
Ticket #21218: Can't resize the "Solution text" field Problem: When invoicing, it wasn't possible to resize the "Solution text" field as before. Cause: It was deliberately removed due to damaging the web experience. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code for the field, before reinserting it. | Web | |
Ticket #20922: Wrong title when creating a task from template on a piece of equipment Problem: Whenever creating a task on a piece of equipment using Quick-templates, caused the title to be the description of the piece of equipment in question. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Task #13240: Planning module freezes when dragging task to timeline Problem: Whenever a user wanted to drag a task to another user in the Planning module's timeline, Microbizz froze. Cause: Calculation of the task object's new position in the timeline. Solution: Fixed by making the necessary calculations. | Web |
Task/Ticket | Device | Status |
Ticket #21253: Technical error when attaching equipment to tasks Problem: Whenever one wanted to attach a piece of equipment to a task, a technical error occurred. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Ticket #21217: Weird characters when changing language Problem: When switching languages in Microbizz, special characters were displayed wrong. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Ticket #21214: Specific row missing in XML file for export to DataPartner (Visma integration) Problem: XML file was missing the row OOI_ROW_PROFIT_CENTRE. Cause: The integration was developed so it required that this additional field be a searchable additional field, but was made non-searchable at some point. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web |
Task/Ticket | Device | Status |
Ticket #21019: Very slow to load the Planning module Problem: In large systems with many users and appointments in Planning module, the system loads very slowly. Cause: Due to loading a lot of appointments. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Ticket #21247: System freezes when editing a tool's service date Problem: Whenever one edited a tool's service date, Microbizz froze. Cause: Due to an error when "Next service" should be projected. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Task #14226: "Decrease balance by" field when invoicing not working Problem: When invoicing a task, the field "Decrease balance by" didn't work as intended. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Ticket #21193: Moving negative number of product use Problem: Whenever one wanted to move a negative number of product uses from one task to another, Microbizz moved a positive number instead. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Task #14224: After a while, Microbizz Drive creates a person's folder even though it is not selected in Microbizz web Problem: When invoicing a task, the field "Decrease balance by" didn't work as intended. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Task #13463: Column settings aren't being saved Problem: As soon as the columns were updated, their settings were reset. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Task #14204: File export must include subfolders and use customer no. instead of id for folders Problem: A request for improvement of exporting files (folders, subfolders and naming these). Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by implementing as desired. | Web |
Task/Ticket | Device | Status |
Ticket #20713: Very slow in the Calendar and Planning modules Problem: In large systems with many users and appointments in both the Calendar and Planning modules, the system loads very slowly. Cause: Due to loading data for all users in the modules. Solution: Fixed by only loading the data that is relevant. | Web | |
Ticket #21005: Technical error when trying to export user defined reports to Excel Problem: Trying to export user defined reports to Excel resulted in a technical error. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Ticket #21183: Errors when invoicing Problem: Whenever one tried to invoice, an error occurred. Cause: Due to some invalid HTML-code. Solution: Fixed by improving the code for sending invoices. | Web | |
UP SYNC - crash Problem: In certain situations choosing to open a UP SYNC instance, would crash the app. Cause: The UP SYNC could not properly display certain commands. Solution: The UP SYNC page now correctly displays all information. | iOS, Android | |
COPY - Ability to copy description Problem: You could not copy the description text from a task. Cause: Missing functionality. Solution: Long press on the description text now copies the text. | iOS, Android | |
ONEDRIVE IS NOT SUPPORTED for FILES Problem: You could not open/upload files from ONEDRIVE to FILES. Cause: Missing functionality. Solution: Now the APP correctly searches the ONEDRIVE and displays the files available to upload. | iOS, Android | |
EDIT CHECKIN TIME - Correct total time, wrong starttime Problem: If you edited a checkin's startime to before the actual starttime, the system would revert back to the starttime where the user had pressed the checkin button. Cause: The system prioritized the actual check-in time from the user higher than the users manual input. Solution: The system now overrides the starttime of the checkin, if the user manually changes the starttime. | iOS, Android | |
FORMS - Duplicates Problem: When opening a form which had not fully uploaded yet, it would crash the APP and create a duplicated responded form. Cause: If the form had a lot of data to process the app would send the request another time, rather than opening the form, because the form wasnt ready to be shown. Solution: Optimized the system so that you can open forms, even though all the data had not been uploaded yet. | iOS, Android | |
CALENDAR LOADING - iOS loads calendar for too long Problem: Opening Calendar would result in a loading screen that could take a long time to finish. This locked the system in place until it finished loading. Cause: The system needs to synchronize and update alot of tasks and appointments, this takes time. Solution: It now updates in the background, so the user can continue work on tasks/appointments already on the list, it will update the list continually as it is loading in the background. | iOS, | |
FORM WITH MANY PICTURES CRASHES APP Problem: If you filled out a form that had alot of "upload pictures", and choosing larger size pictures the app would crash. Cause: The system could not properly process that much data and store it continually in the form. Solution: The upload files function has been updated so that it temporarily saves all the pictures, so that they are in the form even though the form has not been saved yet. | iOS, Android |
Task/Ticket | Device | Status |
PLANNING - Auto add date and time Problem: When planning today, the user need to input start date, start time, end date, end time. Cause: The system requires those fields to be filled out to be valid. Solution: Now the app will instantly choose "end date" and "end time" so that the plan is finished 1 hour after the start time. It is still up to the users to change the planning if 1 hour is not correct for the current task/plan. | iOS, Android | |
FORMS PICTURE - The ability to draw on pictures taken in a form Problem: When adding/taking pictures to a form, you could not draw on that picture. Cause: The draw functionality had only been activated when adding/taking pictures straight to tasks/CRM. Solution: The draw functionality have been added to forms when adding/taking pictures. | iOS, Android | |
SORTING - Product use "order id" Problem: "Order id" was not an option while filtering under products. Cause: Had not yet been implemented. Solution: "Order id" has been added as a filtering option under products. | iOS, Android | |
PHONE NUMBER/MAIL LINK - Add a pressable link to custom field Problem: When on a task or company, phone numers and mail links were simple text. Cause: Had not yet been implemented. Solution: When pressing a phone number it dials up that phone number. When pressing an email it opens up the systems prefered email-app and creates a new email, where the task/company email is already selected as receiver. | iOS, Android | |
EDITING of HOURS Problem: Sometimes the time-registrations calculated wrong when edited Cause: coding error Solution: The coding error has been identified and fixed. | iOS, Android | |
CRM FORMS - ongoing forms is not showing Problem: On iOS forms would not show up in the "forms list" while being ongoing. Cause: Coding error. Solution: The coding error has been identified and fixed. | iOS, | |
PICTURES on CLOSED TASKS Problem: When a task status was "Closed" you could not open/interact with pictures under files. Cause: When task is Closed, you are not supposed to edit previously added information. Solution: An exception has been made for pictures under files. | Android | |
FORMS - numbers dissapear Problem: Numbers in the "Number field" which has a min/max requirement got deleted mistakenly under certain conditions. Cause: The Min/Max requirement had a "default" value (0) that it would select. Solution: More security measurement has been added to verify if the min/max number is within an acceptable number. | iOS, Android | |
FORM - CHECKBOX SAVE FOR LATER Problem: When filling out a form that had a checkbox, if "save for later" was used, the checkbox would be unchecked after "save for later". Cause: The Checkbox had a default answer (unchecked), and it disregarded the input given from "save for later". Solution: Checkboxes now correctly remembers previous filled out answers. | iOS, Android | |
PRODUCTS with price over 1000 crash Problem: If a product has a price over 1000,- the app crashed when added it to a task. Cause: coding error Solution: The system now does not crash when adding products which costs more than 1000,- | iOS, Android | |
FORM ALT.TITLE when RENAMING Problem: When renaming forms which was requested, the form did not get renamed in the app. Cause: When the form still was "only requested" the server would not acknowledge a rename. Solution: We have edited how requested forms works, so that renaming them is possible. | iOS, Android | |
MIN and MAX NUMBER Problem: When a minimum number was selected, it would auto-check if the number written was lower than the minimum number. Cause: Min number functionality was too strict. Solution: The app now only checks if the number is incorrect when going to the next field, saves for later or when you attempt to finish the form. | iOS, Android | |
TIME REGISTRATION - Allow time registration on closed tasks Problem: New functionality has been added to the Microbizz system, an update for this functionality was required for the App as well. Cause: Had not yet been implemented. Solution: Now the app correctly checks which of the new options has been chosen, decides from that if the the user may edit time registrations after the task has been closed or not. | iOS, Android |
08.10.2020 - 28.10.2020
Task/Ticket | Device | Status |
Task #13459: Long time before receiving notification regarding filled out forms Problem: When one filled out a form, it took some time (days and weeks) before receiving a notification about it. Cause: Due to the timestamp that was attached on forms whenever they were "Saved for later" or completed. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code for timestamping forms. | Web | |
Task #13445: Script for converting projects Problem: The new Project module needs all the "old" projects from the Tasks module converted to fit the format of the new one. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by implementing tools that easily converts them. | Web | |
Ticket #20977: Missing categories in salary rules Problem: Categories G to L was missing from the salary rules. Cause: Forgot to implement the final categories. Solution: Fixed by implementing the missing categories. | Web | |
Ticket #20909: Technical error upon retrieving report Problem: A technical error occurred whenever one wanted to view the capacity for a given employee. Cause: Due to "running time" limitations on the script producing the report. Solution: Fixed by extending the "running time" limitations from 5 seconds to 5 minutes. | Web | |
Task #14102: Empty information when switching between tabs Problem: Regardless of module, whenever one switched between tabs, empty information was displayed even though there should be some data stored. Cause: Due to poor handling of equipment. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the handling of equipment. | Web | |
Ticket #20970: Particular custom fields for tasks not working properly with filters Problem: It wasn't possible to choose any of the choices available for particular custom fields for tasks. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Task #14169: Settings aren't appearing in the Sales module Problem: After having bought the module Sales, its settings weren't accessible. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Ticket #21065: Technical error with layout for user objects Problem: When trying to create or edit layouts for objects in the User module, a technical error occurred Cause: Due to migrating to the new PHP platform. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Ticket #21079: Error in invoices Problem: After a crucial update, no more than one invoice line could be created, as well as Microbizz making wrong calculations in an invoice's "total". Cause: Code was overwritten, and not reapplied. Solution: Fixed by reinserting the code. | Web | |
Ticket #21098: Wrong location for a permission Problem: Permissions for "Person data" was nested under "Salary". Cause: Wrong implementation. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Ticket #21095 & #21104: Too many lines for each user in the Planning module Problem: Some users in the Planning module were experiencing more than one line in the Planning module. Cause: Due to when there were at least two appointments on the same date. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Ticket #20997, #21074 & #21105: Missing results when searching for quotations in the Sales module Problem: Whenever one searched for quotations, not all results were retrieved. Cause: Wrong naming of quotation states. Solution: Fixed by renaming the various quotation states. | Web | |
Ticket #20965: Error with special characters in latest notes when using "Invoice now" Problem: Task notes with letters such as "æ", "ø", "å" (i.e. Danish letters) was not displayed correctly on invoice when using "Invoice now". Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Ticket #20706: Missing space between two columns when saving to PDF Problem: When saving a document template to PDF with the columns "Amount" and "Item number", there was no whitespace separating to separate them. Cause: Whenever a right-hand column was located to the left of a left-hand column in a line format. Solution: Fixed by adding a whitespace in front of each value. | Web |
Task/Ticket | Device | Status |
Task #13373: Unstable performance on App 3 Problem: Script to load calendar appointments took roughly a minute no matter which user made the request. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the API call GetEventsByUserAndDate | Web |
Task/Ticket | Device | Status |
Task #13455: Not possible to change Reply-To Problem: Hasn't been possible to specify a specific email when sending one through a form action. Cause: The form action "Send as mail" was acting differently than one would assume. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code such that the Reply-To is automatically the one who filled in the form. | Web | |
Task #13020: Auto-generated tasks of specific type doesn't transfer previous hours Problem: When creating a task with type "Repeated - loose", previously registered hours are transferred to an automatically generated adhoc task, but aren't visible under the task's hours. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Recalculating the copied task while saving it. | Web | |
Task #13376: Missing allowances from EDI invoice Problem: Importing EDI invoices would neglect to include allowances. Cause: "AllowanceCharge"-function wasn't loaded properly. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. Removed from overall operation - should be made as a patch for the systems that need it. | Web | |
Task #13372: Microbizz is very slow Problem: Microbizz was very slow. Not only when saving tasks, but nearly every action in nearly every module was causing the system to halt. Cause: Due to changes within the code. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Task #13433: Slow performance when using the "To pool"-button Problem: Slow performance when trying to send a task to pool using the "To pool"-button. Cause: The locks implemented for reads and writes on task-objects, causing the process to lock itself. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the locks. | Web | |
Task #13393: Wrong height on tabulator-div Problem: If you used groupings in a tab and subsequently calculated the height of the field, it resulted in an incorrect height. Cause: Due to we didn't initially calculate how many grouping rows there are. In the worst case, this caused some rows to become invisible. Solution: Fixed by making the necessary calculations. | Web |
Task/Ticket | Device | Status |
Ticket #20608: Notes aren't added after answering forms Problem: After answering forms through the Sales-module, notes weren't added to objects even though every field within the forms had the option "Note from reply" checked. Cause: Wrong implementation of saving forms within the Sales-module. Solution: Fixed by actually saving the forms instead of saving them for later. | Web | |
Ticket #20627: Microbizz takes too long to answer Problem: Sending tasks to invoice took too long, e.g. sending 8 tasks to invoice could take over 40 minutes to finish. Cause: The locks implemented for reads and writes on task-objects, causing the process to lock itself. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the locks. | Web | |
Ticket #20674: Microbizz takes too long to generate a report Problem: Generating the R8PA standard report took at least 15 minutes to generate. Cause: The locks implemented for reads and writes on task-objects, causing the process to lock itself. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the locks. | Web | |
Ticket #20680: Fatal error in Activity-tab when viewing a company Problem: A fatal error message occurred whenever one viewed the Activity-tab of a company. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Task #13422: Difficult to see title of folders Problem: If a folder's title was too long, it was difficult to view. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Ticket #20489: Language gets switched when automatically exporting to FTP Problem: Even though Microbizz was in Danish, when automatically exporting to FTP, the columns in the CSV-file were in English. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | since 18.09.2020 |
Ticket #20315, #20692, #20698, #20740, #20741 & #20747: Fatal error when sending EDI invoices Problem: Whenever one tried to send an invoice as EDI, a fatal error occurred. Cause: Referencing to a wrong variable. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Task #13416: Wrong conversion of numbers when saving form in App 3 Problem: Numbers were converted wrong when saving forms with the "Save for later"-button in App 3 (android). Cause: Wrong transformation of data. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web |
Task/Ticket | Device | Status |
Ticket #20659: Microbizz is extremely slow while planning Problem: It took several minutes for every task to be planned. Cause: The locks implemented for reads and writes on task-objects. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the locks. | Web | |
Ticket #20629: Microbizz is extremely slow Problem: It was impossible to do anything in Microbizz, simply logging in to the system could take several minutes. Cause: The culprit was within generation of user-defined reports. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Ticket #20632: Error with amount when using "Invoice now" Problem: Any amount given with a decimal separator got it removed, e.g. 1,5 would result in 15. Cause: Wrong transformation of data. Solution: Removed JavaScript number de-formatting and fixed JavaScript number validation in "Invoice now". | Web | |
Ticket #20613: Appointments in calendar can't be edited Problem: A fatal error occurred when trying to edit appointments in the calendar. Cause: Due to changes within the code. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Ticket #20576: Subscribers on notes are removed Problem: When trying to reply or add subscribers to a note, the subscribers were removed, such that no users received a notification/email. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web |
Task/Ticket | Device | Status |
Ticket #20598: Error when importing emails Problem: When trying to import emails an authorization error occurred. Cause: When checking the option "Use encryption" when editing an email account, an error regarding authentication occurred, if the user didn't retype their password before saving the amended email account. Solution: Fixed by informing systems with this issue, as well as that they must reload their accounts. | Web | |
Task #13372: Microbizz is very slow Problem: Microbizz was very slow. Not only when saving tasks, but nearly every action in nearly every module was causing the system to halt. Cause: Due to changes within the code. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web |
Task/Ticket | Device | Status |
Task #13265: Reducing credit notes doesn't reduce the invoice Problem: When reducing credit notes, the invoice wasn't reduced. Cause: The way E-conomic integrates into Microbizz. Solution: TBA | Web | |
Task #13346: Error with amount when using "Invoice now" Problem: Any amount greater than 999 would result in 1. Cause: Wrong transformation of data. Solution: Fixed by assuring that normal numbers e.g. an amount, are not transformed with thousands separators, only transformed with decimal separators | Web | |
Task #13358: System freezes upon saving and planning tasks Problem: By moving a task in the planning module or saving a task normally, the system froze. Cause: Getting tasks from a paying customer with over 10000 tasks, caused the system to run out of memory. Solution: Fixed by reducing the memory usage. | Web | since 28.08.2020 |
Task/Ticket | Device | Status |
TIME REGISTRATION - Can't add time from company and task Problem: When trying to add time on company or task, it wouldnt let you. Cause: missing functionality. Solution: you can now add time directly from company and task. | iOS, Android | |
CREATE PRODUCTS - Create products from equipment not working Problem: When trying to create products from equipment, it would fail and crash. Cause: The App would not acknowledge the creation of product from equipment. Solution: Creation and adding of products is now limited to be added from task. (Equipment can still be chosen to have that product added to its product usage). | iOS, Android | |
PICTURES EDITING - Doubles when editing picture name Problem: When renaming a picture in the app, it would create a new identical picture with the new name. Cause: A bug in editing the name functionality. Solution: now there will no longer be created a duplicate. | iOS, Android | |
HOURS COUNT ISSUE - iOS counts total hours wrong Problem: When entering the HOUR module, the "total" hours for the week would sometime display incorrectly. Cause: The App was looking at some of the wrong dates. Solution: The App now correctly counts and displays the correct amount of hours. | iOS, | |
CACHE AND SAVE FOR LATER - Issue with those two Problem: The app would incorrectly ask if the user wants to "restore previous data". Cause: The App remembers previously filled out data, which is saved in the cache. When the user presses "Save for later" this cache did not get cleared. Solution: After "save for later" the user will now be asked if you would like to restore previous data. | iOS, Android | |
FORM JUMP - Form jumps when being completed Problem: While filling out forms, after certain answers it would jump to the "last selected" field. Cause: The App was set up to always move/center to the current selected field. Solution: Optimization has been made and "Last selected" functionality have been added to certain answer methods. | iOS, Android | |
FORMS NUMBERS - Decimal issues with number fields Problem: When using decimals sometimes the app would ignore the number. Cause: Decimals is used differently depending on location, the system could not read the wrong symbol for decimals. Solution: Optimization has been implemented, stopping the user from using decimals which isnt right for the current language setting. | iOS, Android | |
TEAMS REQUIRED - Team field missing "required" star Problem: When creating new tasks, the "Team" field was a required field. But there was no prior warning or indication that it was a required field. Cause: Missing *. Solution: the field now correctly indicates that it is a required field. | iOS, Android | |
FORMS - Alternative title Problem: When renaming a form it would not be displayed with its new name in the app. Cause: The database structure could not support the renaming of forms. Solution: Database structure has been improved and renaming functionality added to the app functions on forms. | iOS, Android | |
HOURS - total can't be seen Problem: on certain devices, the "total" on HOURS was cut in half. Cause: UI functionality Solution: UI has been updated to support different ratio's and stretching on this site. | iOS, Android | |
Company - create task Problem: When creating a task from the company, it did not open the task after creation, but went back to the company site. Cause: missing functionality. Solution: The App now correctly goes to the newly created task after creation. | iOS, Android | |
FORMS - numbers is not showing Problem: When completing a form on android with numbers, the numbers isn’t showing when inspecting the completed form. Cause: The App didnt display the values, though it was correct in the database and web. Solution: The App now correctly displays the numbers. | Android | |
equipment - rename Problem: When renaming equipment in the App, it would not send this information to the server. Cause: Missing functionality. Solution: The App now send information of the new name to the server. | Android | |
NOTES - Equipment notes not working Problem: When creating notes on an equipment from Web or App, it would now sync up to the other part. Cause: Missing functionality. Solution: Notes now updates to the other system regardless where the note is created. | iOS, Android | |
LONG TEXT FIELD - No room for the long text Problem: When naming a field with alot of information/long name, it would cut off the remainder of the text. Cause: UI functionality. Solution: The App now discovers when it is out of available text space, and continues the next on the next line. | iOS, Android | |
SLOW LOADING - IOS task loading is slow Problem: When entering the task module, it would be standing in a loading screen and load data in, before the user could move on. Cause: When entering a new module, the app looks for updates and new objects to add/change. Solution: The loading now happens in the background, so the user can move on quicker. | iOS, | |
FORMS - requested forms handling Problem: When filling out a requested form, the app would still display the form as "Requested" rather than "Finished". Cause: Missing Functionality Solution: The App now recognizes that the form has been filled out, and changes it to the correct status. | iOS, Android |
Task/Ticket | Device | Status |
Task #13301: Technical error upon creating user-defined reports Problem: It was impossible to create user-defined reports. Cause: Not enough memory to handle large sets of data. Solution: Assign more memory to the process. | Web | |
Task #13321: Errors with decimal and thousands separators Problem: When viewing or exporting numbers that have decimal and thousands separators, errors occurred. Cause: Wrong transformation of data. Solution: Fixed by transforming numbers with both decimal and thousands separators only when the value has something to do with money. If it is a normal number e.g. an amount, then numbers are only transformed with decimal separators. | Web | |
Task #13314: Error messages in Extranet Problem: Errors occurred upon retrieving tasks through the Extranet. Cause: The Extranet had a fail-safe cookie that logs the user back on if their session dies out. However, it seemed this feature did not support our new platform, which did not login again, and therefore an error occurred. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the login-function for the Extranet. | Web | |
Task #13300: Missing allowances from EDI invoice Problem: Importing EDI invoices would neglect to include allowances. Cause: "AllowanceCharge"-function wasn't loaded properly. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. Removed from overall operation - should be made as a patch for the systems that need it. | Web | removed 08.09.2020 |
Task #13346: Error with amount when using "Invoice now" Problem: Any amount greater than 999 would result in 1. Cause: Wrong transformation of data. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web |
Task/Ticket | Device | Status |
Task #13293: Error with decimals when importing prices Problem: When trying to import individual prices where the selling price is 0.01, the price is transformed to 0.00 and not 0.01 as desired. Cause: Wrong transformation of data. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Task #13286: Error with decimals when accepting quotation lines Problem: When the customer creates a quotation with a product on 3,500, it writes 3,500.00 in the product line. But as soon as a task is created from the same quotation, it changes to 3,500.00. Furthermore, navigating to the newly created task, transformed the number even further to 350,000. Sending the task to invoice would transform the number a final time to 350. Cause: Wrong transformation of data. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Task #13284: Error when sending an email Problem: When using the magnifying glass next to "Email to" when trying to email files. Cause: A JavaScript error. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the JavaScript code. | Web | |
Task #13240: Planning-module freezes upon planning tasks Problem: When trying to drag a task to the timeline, the system freezes. Cause: The timeline tldatescontainer. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the timeline tldatescontainer by recalculating its position. | Web |
Task/Ticket | Device | Status |
Ticket #20301 & #20348: Error when trying to delete user Problem: It wasn't possible to delete users. Cause: Due to a specific type of custom fields (i.e. of type "User"). Solution: Expanded data runs to include the ability to update all products. | Web |
Task/Ticket | Device | Status |
Task #13110: Searching in App 3 is worse than in App 2 Problem: Searching products in App 3 was significantly worse than searching in App 2. Cause: No way to tell the app that a change has taken place when updating "Secondary Text" on products. Solution: Expanded data runs to include the ability to update all products. | Web | |
Task #13125 & #13258: Error with decimals (forms) Problem: When you filled in the number field in a form, in both the browser and App 3, the decimal always translated to a comma no matter if you wrote a comma or a period. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Correction so that the API changes forms filled in from the browser and App 3, so that they contain numbers in the same format as in App 2. | Web | |
Task #13020: Auto-generated tasks of specific type doesn't transfer previous hours Problem: When creating a task with type "Repeated - loose", previously registered hours are transferred to an automatically generated adhoc task, but aren't visible under the task's hours. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Recalculating the copied task while saving it. | Web | |
Task #13186 & #13257: Error with z-index and pop-up box placement Problem: When quick edititing a user field on a task, the user list was centered but behind the pop-up box, as well as it moved to the top-left position. Also, when you created a task and clicked on the magnifying glass to add a contact person, the pop-up box popped up on the left side instead of coming up in the middle of the screen. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Task #13166: Hidden report is shown to everyone Problem: A standard report, Q3, was shown to everyone, even though it was hidden. Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Task #13260: Equipments have wrong "Place of home" Problem: When navigating to a customer i.e. through the CRM-module, the equipments belonging to it had wrong "Place of home". Cause: Unknown. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Task #13181: Error when exporting CRM-objects Problem: When exporting to an Excel-sheet or a CSV-file while using filters to show the non-active users, the value 0 (zero) was displayed as for each entry in the "Deactivated"-column. Cause: Wrong format. Solution: Let the extraction be in the same format - i.e. yes/no instead of 0/1/2 | Web | |
Task #13237: Microbizz has become a lot slower Problem: Microbizz was very slow. Not only when saving tasks, but also when searching through the databases, e.g. searching through CRM, tasks, or EDI. Cause: The problem with the task master card was that it took a very long time to generate the contents of the dialog box, which is used for "Save as PDF". Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. Try to refrain from generating forms and all PDF-masters while loading tasks. | Web | |
Task #12842: No response from 'Edit production' Problem: If you tried to use 'Edit production' on a user where you are not the team leader of the user's team, you got the warning 'No access'. Cause: You can only plan for users who are members of teams where you are the leader. I.e. if user Ventu is the leader of team S-SYD then user Ventu can plan for those who are members of team S-SYD. Solution: In addition, user Ventu must also have the rights to plan. | Web | |
Ticket #20362: Issues with removing tasks from plan-route list Problem: It wasn't possible to remove tasks by dragging them to the "trash can"-icon. Cause: Due to a change within the code. Solution: Fixed by optimizing the code. | Web | |
Ticket #20123: Issues with exporting "expiration date" (filters) Problem: When trying to export data regarding "GDPR expiration date" using filters when generating the report, it exported the "Deactivation date" instead. Cause: Due to a typo, the field "GDPR expiration date" wasn't reachable. Solution: Fixed the array-construct such that the key points correctly to its associated value. | Web |