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The terms and conditions for the implementation and operation of a Microbizz solution for a specific customer are laid down in a cooperation agreement between the Microbizz partner and the said customer.

The agreement specifies

  • Covered Microbizz licenses

  • Scope, content, timetable, responsibilities, etc. for the implementation of Microbizz at the customer's premises

  • Invoicing and payment terms

  • Termination

  • Special conditions, if any

The cooperation agreement applied by Ventu includes the following annexes which form integral parts of the agreement:

  • Annex A “Microbizz Software License Terms”. The annex is customer-independent. The Microbizz partners use this annex with identical content.

  • Annex B “Terms and conditions for time-based services”. The annex is customer-independent. The Microbizz partners use a similar annex.

  • Annex C “Data processing agreement”. The annex is customer-independent. The Microbizz partners use a similar annex.
    The Ventu Data Processing Agreement comprises information of a dynamic nature, e.g., a list of sub-data processors used by Ventu. This dynamic information is maintained in the links in English and Danish, respectively (the content is identical except from the language). The English and Danish data processing agreement contains the relevant link.

  • Annex D “Implementation and operation of Microbizz”. The annex specifies the scope, content, activities, timeline, and responsibilities for the implementation and operation of Microbizz at the specific customer. This annex is customer-specific; therefore, no link is provided. The Microbizz partners use a similar annex.

The cooperation agreement indicates the versioning date for annexes A, B and C that apply to the agreement. Document names for Annexes A, B and C are appending the versioning date.

Please download the applicable annexes from the table below. Document names starting with Annex are in English and with Bilag are in Danish.

Ventu A/S, the developer and supplier of Microbizz, has an ISAE 3402 Type 2 IT Attestation on the organizational and technical security measures in connection with the operation of Microbizz.

Please see the link in English and Danish for more information.

When using the Microbizz App, a privacy policy applies.

Please see the link in English and Danish to read the privacy policy (the content is identical except for the language).

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