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Requires your attention for the June release

Sometimes, its necessary to change Microbizz in a way that require you as a customer to be aware for potential changes to your workflow.  Every change in this category will be in the list below.

SMS registrations

We have removed the option to allow hour registrations to be created by sending an SMS to Microbizz.

Tooltip for invoices

It was necessary to fix a bug in the tooltip for invoices. Tooltip are the boxes with details that appear when you hold the mouse over a link to an object, in this case a link to an invoice; the details that appear can be configured in the System module.

The bug fix means that the configuration of the tooltip has been partly lost, as many of the previously available fields are no longer available.

PDF Custom field URL

It was necessary to fix a bug in the pdf export for url customfields. Which caused links to not be considered links if the url was not written using https:// , we fixed it by force adding https:// on export.

Setting Hide prices in api moved

The setting Hide prices in api which sets prices to 0 for api requests has been moved from the sales module general tab to the system module general tab to assure everyone can access this feature.

The setting needs to be set again.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.