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New features for the January 2025 release

Take a look at what we've been building for the last few months πŸ™‚


  • Its now possible to have multiple holidays on the same date, on different zip codes


  • Now, its not possible to choose a supplier (company) that is blocked or deactivated


  • We have expanded our β€œPrint” feature, so that its now possible to print information about tasks, and also include files from a specific folder within the task

  • Its now possible to attach files that are uploaded to tasks to a note directly from the system, so you no longer need to download the file and upload it manually

  • You can now send a note to persons without needing the Extranet module

  • If using danish language, we now suggest addreses when you are searching, to help you choose the correct address and make it more convienent, this have been implemented in the CRm and task module

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