Custom registrations
Custom registrations are additional fields that you may add to an hour registration; they are a bit like custom fields. Several types of custom registrations exist:
A custom registration may generate a “one time cost price”, which will be part of the total cost price of the registration.
Create / edit
Custom registration types are accessed from the menu CONFIGURATION > CUSTOM REGISTRATION TYPES in the Hours module. It uses the new Microbizz framework and so it looks a little different, but the editing is done the same as in the rest of Microbizz.


The Only one option indicates that a given employee is only allowed to select this custom registration once per day.
If the custom registration is selected then the cost price is added to the total cost price of the registration.
This allows the employee to enter a value which will be treated as a number of minutes.

The Only one option indicates that a given employee is only allowed to select this custom registration once per day.
The Don’t exceed limit option indicates that the value (in minutes) may not exceed the number of minutes of the actual registration.
The cost price is specified as cost price per hour, so if the cost price is 200 and the custom registration is 15 then 50 will be added to the total cost price of the registration.
This works just like the Number registration, except you specify the value as a number of minutes in the format H:MM or H:M or H. So the value “1:30” means 90 minutes, and the value “2” means 120 minutes.
This allows the employee to select from a menu.

The cost price for the selected item will be added to the total cost price of the registration.
Adding custom registrations to a registration

If any custom registration types have been created then a small plus icon will appear on the daily worksheet and in the HOURS tab on a task and other places where you edit registrations. Click on this will open the window for editing custom registrations: