Every module in Microbizz has a set of permissions, which is the case for the invoices module as well.
For a general understanding of permissions visit thissection.
Keep in mind that the users must log off the system and back again before the permissions take effect.
Invoices specific permissions
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The available permissions are as follows:
Invoices - view: Allows you to specify who has the permission to access Invoices
Invoices -edit: Allows you to specify who has the permission to edit Invoices
Invoices - book: Allows you to specify who has the permission to book Invoices
Invoices - delete: Allows you to specify who has the permission to delete Invoices
Invoices - fees: Allows you to specify who has access to the "Fees" tab on companies and who may administer those fees. For more on this, please refer to the fees settings
Number series: Allows you to specify who has permission to administer number series, which you can read more about here
EDI inbox: Allows you to specify who has access to the EDI inbox
See unassigned invoices: Allows you to specify who can see unassigned invoices
EDI files: Allows you to specify who has permission to administer EDI files
EDI filters: Allows you to specify who has permission to administer EDI filters
EDI settings: Who has access to EDI settings
EDI blacklist products: Allows you to specify who has permission to administer Blacklisted products. For more on this, please refer to the blacklisted products settings
Time extraction - companies: Allows you to specify who has permission to administer Time extraction from companies, which you can read more about here
Payment terms: Allows you to specify who has permission to administer the terms for payment. For more on this, please refer to the payment terms settings
Price settings: Allows you to specify who has permission to administer the basis prices, as well as, prices per company type. For more on these, please refer to the basis prices and prices per company type settings, respectively
Fields: Allows you to specify who has permission to administer the custom fields, which you can read more about here
Data - Economic: Controls access to the DATA menu
Export method: Who has permission to setup the export method
Depot export: Who has access to the DEPOT EXPORT menu
Discounts & profits: Who has access to the DISCOUNT & PROFITS menu
Line extraction: Who has access to the LINE EXTRACTION menu
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