In here you are able to categorize the various ways users can register their workdays in Microbizz.
Create a registration type
You can create new registration types in addition to the existing 8.
When creating a new type, you need to fill out the following:
Code: The code for the new type, which must be between 2-4 characters long
Title:The title for the registration type
Colour:The colour frames the title (to help create an overview of the different registration types)
Corresponds: One of the existing 8 registration types the new one corresponds to
Register time on: Here the choice can be one of the following:
Internal post: Choosing this, expands the creation of new registration types with three new fields:
Internal post: The internal post you want to register the new type on
Hours: How many hours the new type should register for
Always use duration: With this checked, the system will only send the amount of hours to the users registration that are added to the hours field. If not checked, the system will use the amount of hours corresponding to the uses workweek
Task: Choosing this, expands the creation of new registration types with four new fields:
Task: The task you want to register the new type on
Work area: The work area you want to register the new type on
Hours: How many hours the new type should register for
Always use duration: With this checked, the system will only send the amount of hours to the users registration that are added to the hours field. If not checked, the system will use the amount of hours corresponding to the uses workweek
Send to registration: (only for automatic time registration) Check this, if you want automatic time registration to work on days of this type
Register time on
The way this is used is quite complicated, please read the section titled Handle production planning for an explanation.
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