The ADMIN menu provides a few functions for the Microbizz experts.
This includes access to the logs, testing the API, and functions for deleting and modifying data in ways that may change data in your system.
Functionality is the option to expand what Microbizz can do when it comes to functions. A example could be if you need Microbizz to support Accord or want to use SLA (Service level agreements) then you can activate it here.
Scheduled jobs
Jobs is what keeps Microbizz data up-to-date, so when you add time registrations etc.. to a task, a job will be triggered and make sure all the relevant fields are updated.
Here you have a overview of the jobs running in your Microbizz and when they last ran, and when they are queued to run again.
SMS log
This shows SMS messages that have been sent from Microbizz and when.
This allows you access to the log files. The logs hold all sorts of technical information, most of it is probably of no use to you.
This page is sometimes used during the transition from the old Microbizz to the newer Microbizz (the + modules).
You should touch it unless instructed to do so.
Delete data
This allow you to delete data from Microbizz. This is generally a bad idea and you really shouldn’t do it.
If anything goes wrong there is no guarantee that the Microbizz support department will be able to help you.
Data adjust
This allows you to adjust data in Microbizz in various ways. This is generally a bad idea and you really shouldn’t do it.
If anything goes wrong there is no guarantee that the Microbizz support department will be able to help you.
Adjust prices
This allows for adjusting many of the prices that are found in Microbizz, eg. the prices per workarea, product price etc.
If you adjust the prices and discover that you didn’t something wrong then you can undo it.
Prices are adjusted by a percentage, with optional rounding.

Generate data
This allows for generating various types of data in Microbizz. Don’t use it.
Lock watch
System parameters
This allows for low-level configuration of certain things that are so rarely used that it makes no sense to provide buttons for configuration.
This allows for easy testing of the API. Notice that it is not a sandbox, everything you do it live and may affect your system.
Export all data
This gives you the option to export almost all your data to a zip file which will be send to the user exporting the data.
This is provided in order to allow you to retrieve your Microbizz data should you choose to stop using Microbizz. It has no use beyond that.

Large amounts of files
Many Microbizz users have many terabytes of data in Microbizz, and Microbizz is therefore not able to compress all the files to a .zip file for download.
If you download and run the .exe fil below, it will ask you to input a “mobile auto-configuration” code from Microbizz; it will then download all the files one by one to your local PC. Make sure you generate the code for a user with access to all files.
You need to run the program as a administator. Right click on the file when downloaded and click “Run as administrator”
Profile log
This is only for internal use.