The hours tab is found on different objects, and is used for two main purposes:
Create new time registrations
See and manage previous time registrations
Create new time registrations
The first section of the tab is equipped with the required fields to create new registrations.
This is done by adding:
Date: The date the registration should be created on
Time: How much time the registration should add (tt:mm)
The example below shows one singular field where a total amount can be inputted. But an alternative can be selected to add start and end time instead. This can be configured in the hours module general settings
Employee: The user the registration will be created for (standard choice is the active user)
Work area: The type of work done within the time registration
Note: An optional note regarding the registration
Markings: Stars markings used to give special meanings to the registrations. This can be configured in the hours module general setting
When the above information are inputted, simply press register and the time registration is created.
See previous registrations
The below section of the tab shows previous registrations.
It's possible to narrow the results by choosing a from and to date, and then pressing search.
If hourly prices have been adjusted since the registrations have been created, it's possible to press recalculate prices which will update all registrations to the newly updated prices.
Edit registrations
By pressing the pencil menu besides a registration, it's possible to:
Edit: Edit the existing registration
Delete: Delete the existing registration
Invoice now: Send one specific time registration to be invoiced
Editing the registration will bring up the following screen.
The following can be edited:
User: The user the registration will be created for (standard choice is the active user)
Work area: The type of work done within the time registration
Note: An optional note regarding the registration
Invoiced: Toggle invoiced status for the registration
Time: How much time the registration should add (tt:mm)
Move time registration to another task: Move the selected registration from this task to another (only if registration is on a task)
Equipment: Choose if the time registration should be attached to a piece of equipment contained in the task (only if registration is on a task)
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