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It is possible to create reports that are automatically sent by email.

Create a report mail

To create a report mail, press on the Create new report mail button, which will redirect you to the following page:

You have to fill in the following:

  • Subject: The subject of the mail
  • Sending frequency: Choose how often the report should be sent - read more about repetitions here
  • Handle public holidays: Choose how holidays should be handled- read more about repetitions here
  • Time: The time for when to send the report
  • Choice of users: Choose the user(s) that the report should take into consideration
  • Send to: Choose the user(s) who should receive the mail
  • Replace user with receiver: If marked, all users in the report are replaced with the receiver of the mail
  • Format: You can choose any of the following formats for the report:
    • Direct in mail
    • Excel (xls)
    • Excel 2007+ (xlsx)
  • Include link to report: If marked, a link to the report will be included in the mail
  • Choice of users: Choose the user(s) that the report should take into consideration
  • Choice of teams: Choose the team(s) that the report should take into consideration
  • Periods: Choose any predefined period or custom periods you might have created
  • Product number: Write a product number that the report should take into account

Edit a report mail

Editing a report mail happens on the same menu. Just click on the pencil or directly on the title to enter edit mode.

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