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You can create periods to be used in your reports.

Create a period

To create a period, click on the Create new period button.

You have to fill in the following:

  • Period name: A title for the period
  • The period starts: Choose a time for when the period must begin:
    • Time: Choose between any of the following, where you afterwards will have to specify exactly which date:
      • Today's date
      • X days ago
      • X months ago
      • Latest weekday
      • Latest month day
      • Latest year day
  • ...and then goes back to: Choose a time for when the period must end:
    • Time: Choose between any of the following, where you afterwards will have to specify exactly which date:
      • Today's date
      • X days ago
      • X months ago
      • Latest weekday
      • Latest month day
      • Latest year day

Edit a period

Editing a period happens on the same menu. Just click on the pencil or directly on the title to enter edit mode.

Using periods

You can use the custom periods you have created in both standard and user-defined reports.

Standard reports

Some standard reports e.g. salary reports, allow you to choose any custom period you may have created. This is done when choosing the period you want to filter your data with:

User defined reports

When you are creating or editing some user-defined reports e.g. hours registrations, you can choose any custom period you may have created. This is done when choosing the date you want to filter your data with:


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