This tab is used to create multiple addresses for a specific company or task that can be used for the following purposes:
Replacing delivery or invoice address for the company
Quick selecting an address when creating a task
Quick selecting different EAN addresses for invoicing
Creating an alternative address
As seen below, creating an alternative address is done by accessing the ADDRESStab under a company or task and pressingNew address.
The fields available are:
Name 1: A name you can identify the address by
Name 2: Another name you can identify the address by
Address:Street, number and apartment
Address 2:Supplementary address
Zip:Zip code
City:The city
Country:The country
EAN:The EAN number used to electronically identify an address (typically used for invoicing)
When editing an address in the CRM:
Set as delivery:When checking this, the company's primary delivery address is replaced
Set as invoice: When checking this, the company's primary invoicing address is replaced
Set as subcontractor invoice address: The address will be preselected amongst the address when select the company as a subcontractor for a task; there can only be one address with the setting for a given company.
After pressing Save the address is now available as seen in the picture.
Using an alternative address
When creating a task, the alternative addresses are available to be selected as a quick option as shown.
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