This setting allows you to specify an invoice method you want to use for booking EDI invoices.
This section has the following settings:
EDI Method: This enables you to choose how you want to book invoices. Choose one of the following methods:
Manually handled by the user (export button)
Automatically book the invoice when received
Book invoice when line is allocated by the user
Profit on: This lets you choose how you want Microbizz to calculate your profits. Choose one of the following:
List price
Unit price (paid price)
EDI to closed tasks: This lets you choose how you want to handle EDIs when the tasks are closed. Choose one of the following:
Allow assignment, and cancel accept. When this is chosen, you can determine:
New task state: Change the task status to one of those you may have declared within the settings for tasks
Block assignment on accepted
Block assignment on closed (and accepted)
Allow assignment
Allow assignment, and reopen task. When this is chosen, you can determine:
New task state: Change the task status to one of those you may have declared within the settings for tasks
Static product number: Change the product number to a static value when assigning EDIs
Product number for stock difference: Change the product number if there is stock difference when assigning EDIs
Set price to zero: If checked, the price of the product is set to zero when assigning EDIs
Product number for allowance charges: Declare a product number for fees when importing EDIs
Task number parse: Choose one of the following ways to import the task number from EDI:
Only 7 first digits
Who can edit EDIs in the Pending phase?: Choose as many users as you want, that are allowed to edit EDIs in the "Pending"-phase. For more on phases, read next section
Who can edit EDIs in the Rejected phase?: Choose as many users as you want, that are allowed to edit EDIs in the "Rejected"-phase. For more on phases, read next section
Who can edit EDIs in the Assigned phase?: Choose as many users as you want, that are allowed to edit EDIs in the "Assigned"-phase. For more on phases, read next section
Approval phases
By clicking on the Approval phases button, you are navigated to where you can create and edit any EDI approval phase you need.
Create an approval phase
To create a new approval phase you need to fill out following:
Name:Name of the phase
Colour: The colour frames the phase (to help create overview of the different phases)
Use filtering: Here you can choose a filter that you might have created previously. For more on this, please refer toEDI filters
Task responsible: If checked, the task responsible can approve an EDI invoice in this phase
EDI handler: If checked, the EDI handler can approve an EDI invoice in this phase
Users: Any added users can approve an EDI invoice in this phase
Edit an approval phase
Editing an approval phase happens in the same menu. Just click on the pencil or directly on the title to enter edit mode.
Sorting approval phases
Finally, once the desired phases have been created, they can be sorted by pressing the "Sort phases"-button, allowing you to click and drag in order to determine the stages of your approval procedure.
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