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Company types

When managing companies in Microbizz, you can divide them into groups called company types.

These can be used for many purposes, including:

Company type is added to companies when creating/editing.

List company types

To see and manage company types, simply go to SETTINGS > COMPANY TYPES where you will see a list of existing company types.

Create/edit company type

After pressing New company type you will be able to fill out the following information:

  • Type name: The name of the company type
  • Letter: A letter to distinguish the company type
  • Colour: A colour to visually distinguish the company type
  • Process (Prospect): Choose if the system should start a unit in a process when a company with this type is created and at the same time is a prospect
  • Process (Non-prospect): Choose if the system should start a unit in a process when a company with this type is created

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