Filters are used to make customized searches that can be used for different purposes.
For understanding filters in general you should look at thissection.
Manage filters
Accessing filters is done by accessing theSETTINGS > FILTERS menu.
In the same menu, it's possible to edit and delete the existing filters.
Creating a filter
Creating a filter is done first by choosing the following:
Object to filter: Choose any object from Microbizz that you wish to filter
When you have chosen the object to filter, you can create a filter by using theCreate new filterbutton and following the general guide to custom filters.
When you are done creating the filter, you can pressSave filter.
Using the filter
The filter can be used in various places. See thegeneral filtersection for more information on where to use filters.
In the report module filters are used to find specific objects that match the filter criteria.
They are commonly in user-defined reports, but can also be used in their chosen object's module.
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