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Here you adjust the options for accessing the Extranet.

The options are as follows:

  • Login-integration using Auth0: If checked, the login uses Auth0. Auth0 is a flexible, drop-in solution to add authentication and authorization services to your login.
    • Auth0 token field: Choose between a variety of Person fields to be used as the Auth0 token
    • Auth0 login: The URL for accessing the Extranet with Auth0
  • Login-integration using SAML: If checked, the login uses SAML. SAML is an acronym that stands for Security Assertion Markup Language, and is an open standard for exchanging authentication and authorization data between parties. 
    • Prevent normal login: If checked, persons can't login normally
    • SAML login: The URL for accessing the Extranet with SAML
    • Logout URL: A custom URL for logging out
    • SAML is Azure: Mark this if your SAML solution is based on Azure
    • SAML IdP: Enter your SAML IdP URL here
  • User ID is GUID?: If checked, the user id becomes the GUID. A GUID is an acronyom that stands for Globally Unique Identifier, they are also referred to as UUIDs or Universaly Unique Identifiers - there is no real difference between the two
  • Allow remote login?: If checked, persons can login to the Extranet remotely via the URL . This opens up a new field:
    • Remote login referer: A reference for remote login, if any. Contact your IT-technician for help with this

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